Sunday, June 19, 2011

"Change My Heart O God"

What do you think Cain should have done differently? Well, not kill his brother would work for starters. Have you ever wished you could change something about your life? Have you ever wanted to change something about someones else life? How about both at the same time? This is where we find Cain in the moments before he killed his brother; frustrated by the fact that his sacrifice was rejected, yet his brother's was looked upon with favor. This is the point in our lives where we must ask God to change our heart; where we must consider the things which are right, and then settle upon those things. I know that you have heard the story about how Cain's offering was one of works, and that made it unacceptable to God; and how that Abel's was a blood sacrifice, which made it one that God accepted. But, what if Cain had traded his crops for one of his brother's sheep; would that have made it different? It is pointless to think that we can not be changed, because we can; and when it comes to disputes with our brothers and sisters, we must! Look at Cain's heart, which was one that wanted to please God, and then was turned away from God when he wanted to kill his brother. We must change our heart! We must ask God to change it, and to settle our heart upon that which is right; otherwise we will become just as Cain, who was not at all concerned about his brother, until it became his concern; and then it became an obsession in his heart to hate his brother; not because his brother had done anything wrong to him, but because what he had done was wrong and his brother's was right. Now then; about that spigot; how do you think this has anything to do with that? I know, it really looks as though I have changed the topic altogether; but not so. Imagine for just a moment that Cain was not Cain, but that Cain were you: here you are expressing your love to God by offering Him the fruit of your labour, yet your not getting any acceptance for this effort; does God not love you? no, that's not it; do you not love God? no, I do not think that is the case either. The problem was in the sacrifice, and the fact that without the shedding of blood, no sacrifice is acceptable to God. So, at this point you are wondering what should I do; which is good, because you really do want to please God. And then you look over and see your brother offering one of his sheep up to God, and notice that his offering is acceptable to God; now what do you do with that? Well, if you are still wanting to please God, then you will want to offer something that is acceptable to God, and you will purchase a sheep from your brother; which will be what is required to continue in love and to build upon the fellowship you share with your brother. Or, you reject what is right, and in doing so, you turn off that spigot; stopping the flow out; and ultimately also stopping the flow within... But maybe this does not pertain to your situation? Then again, maybe it does! We are to be about loving our brother; which means that sometimes requires that we lay down our selfish pride, and look for a way to change our heart; begging God to change whatever it is that makes me angry with our brother or sister, starting in me!!! "Marvel not, my brethren, if the world hate you. We know we have passed from death unto life, because we love the brethren. He that loveth not his brother abideth in death. Whosoever hatheth his brother is a murderer: and ye know that no murderer hath eternal life abiding in him. Hereby perceive we the love of God, because He laid down His life for us: and we ought to lay down our lives for the brethren." (1 John 3:13-16)

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