Thursday, June 23, 2011


I am under the impression that Cain was misunderstanding the whole thing, right from the start; and his problem was not so much that he did not understand, but that he did not want to understand. In Genesis 4:6 & 7, God asked Cain, "Why art thou wroth? and why is thy countenance fallen? If thou doest well, shalt thou not be accepted? and if thou doest not well, sin lieth at the door: and unto thee shall be his desire, and thou shalt rule over him". Cain's sin began as all sin begins, with a hostile attitude towards God which leads to disobedience. Now that I have said that, I must explain what it means to have a hostile attitude towards God, because some may misunderstand that meaning and think it to be something that it is not. Hostility towards God is more than just anger, it has at it's root rebellion; which can cause a person to not want to understand why they are wrong, primarily because they do not want to know the truth. That might seem a little harsh, and if you were slapped by that statement, then I will take note of that; but the truth is, that those of a hostile attitude towards God are of a haughty spirit; which is someone who's heart gets more and more angry the more you try and correct them. What this creates is a train wreck that is being driven; if you can grab that meaning. What God was saying to Cain about "sin lieth at the door" is that there is a door; in other words, that there is a way to avoid sin; even though Cain had done wrong, the wrong that he had done could have been corrected, if only he had chosen to correct it; otherwise, he would be subject to the desire of what sin will do: "and unto thee shalt be his desire, and thou shalt rule over him". It is at this point in our hostility towards God that the truth no longer matters; mostly because our heart has been hardened by the sin and has darkened our understanding. Even if we wanted to try and understand, we could not; not because we no longer will want to, but because we no longer can. Do you see what I am saying? Strife that develops among us has only one cure, a repentant heart! If our heart is unwilling to repent, then there will be no understanding; there will be no understanding because sin has hardened our heart and has taken away our ability to manage the sin; and in it's place, we have crafted ways to manage everything around the sin. That is what I meant by 'A train wreck that is being driven'!

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