Thursday, June 9, 2011

"Trusting In Love"

Now that you have somewhat been taken to who knows where, let me assure you that love and death have more in common than you might think. Trust is one that comes to the forefront of my mind; because as in death, where we trust that there will be something waiting on the other side, so it is with love. Maybe you can't see it the way that I do? but spend a few years in my shoes and I think you will understand. First off, love must be invested into; in other words, you must make the effort to vest into that which you love, otherwise it is only something that you like, but is not loved with a passion. In doing so, investing that is, you will find that with this effort that is put forth there is a matter of trust which is established; not necessarily trust in the person being loved, but trust in the act of love itself. How is that possible? you might be wondering. Well, (one of those), because love is a passion, it involves surrendering part of yourself to experience it to it's fullest merit; in doing so, it is the passion which is involved that continues to fuel the flames of love; however, this passion must be vested in the love and not the other way around. This is where many fall short, and the main reason for divorce to be so rampant: love based upon passion, instead of passion based upon love. Love needs to be as sure as death! It must be always in the forefront of your mind, as if it is inevitable to happen; why? Because love is not based upon passion, that is why! It is a passion, however it does not depend upon passion to live; passion is dependent upon love; and love is forever!

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