Thursday, November 25, 2010


The Greek word for Thanksgiving is 'eucharistia'; and in Paul's writings, and in the Book of Revelation, it means the expression of gratitude to God. You may notice that the beginning of this word is 'Eucharist', which is used in modern language for Holy Communion, embodying the highest act of thanksgiving for the greatest gift received from God, the sacrifice of Jesus! In the Book of Ephesians, chapter 5, Paul gives instruction on how to Live a Life of Love; which starts first and foremost as being followers of God, as dear children (v.1). The meaning of the word 'children' here is expressed by the word 'dear' which comes before it; it literally means that we are cherished and loved by God, as His precious children. Therefore, knowing that He loves us so, makes the task of following Him an easy one, because we know that He cares for those things that we need; and knowing that, makes us strive to stay as close as possible, within the reach of His loving arms. The next instruction given in verse 2, is about walking in Love; which requires sacrifice, and Paul uses Christ as the example of what 'sacrifice' really means. To put it in the simplest terms, we are to walk as those who give ourselves as an offering to God, for the sake of others. That is a hard pill to swallow, because we all know how often others take a back seat to our wants and desires; but this simple rule is key to the whole meaning of what Love is: Others! In verses 17 and 20, I believe there is another important factor in what is required to Live a Life of Love, and it involves 'Giving Thanks'; however, there is this word 'All' added into the text; which, if you remember, means ALL. If you thought you could pick the things to be thankful for, think again; because, as a Child of God, everything that He allows us to do, has us to do, or gives us to experience, is for our benefit; as crazy as that might sound. So, as I ponder those things which I have to be thankful for, I must also include the things which I might otherwise not be real thrilled about. A real good example of that would be, is the condition which my wife is in, and has been in for over seven years; and I am really not real thrilled about that. However, in this also I must give thanks; knowing that my Heavenly Father loves my wife and I very much, and only wants the very best for us; and in knowing this, I must be able to accept what is best for us. (But sometimes it is so hard!) "Wherefore be ye not unwise, but understanding what the will of the Lord is. And be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess; but be filled with the Spirit; speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord; giving thanks always for all things unto God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ." (Ephesians 5:17-20)

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