Wednesday, November 3, 2010

"The Daily Choice"

As we rise each and every morning, we are given the opportunity to live another day for the Lord; we are also given another day to make the choice to do just that. It really does not come as natural as we might think, mostly because of this thing called the flesh; which likes to complain, and be pampered from sun up to sun up. I have to ask myself, and you as well, what is it that promotes an obedient heart? We could probably spend several days debating the key element to obedience, and what powers it; but for times sake, I will just put out there what I believe it must be. For, you see, there is only one thing that is given to man from God that man can share with his fellow man; and because this one thing is transferable, it is also transformable; which means that it is able to transform a heart of disobedience into a heart that obeys. You might be saying it is the Holy Spirit; which is vital for our walk, and for being lead through each and every day; but, like I said before, and still hold onto, the Holy Spirit will not force you to obey; to be obedient is a choice that we must make. Okay, maybe you could say it is Jesus; He was given to man by God, and we can share Jesus with others; right? Yes, that is true, and we must share what Jesus has done for us with others; I think I spent about four months stressing that fact; but still, Jesus has manifested to us what it is that we need, and it is an actual thing; which is called 'Love'. That is what I believe, you may think differently, and you have that right to do so; but, from what I can see, based upon the studies I have been doing and the context of the complete Word of God, the one thing that is constant, is the Love of God. It just so happens that Jesus was the Love of God expressed to us from the Father; which is a good starting point for us to begin to know what the Love of God feels like; the Father giving His All for us. Then, as we start with that understanding and begin to apply the magnitude of what that means for us individually, we can begin to know His Love; and when I say know, I mean Know as in an intimate relationship. We must be deeply in love with God; so deep, that sin hurts our hearts, because it hurts His. This I believe is the primary factor in a heart of obedience; that the Love of God is so profound in us, that we can not sin, because it is not the nature of Love. But, what do I Know... "That Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith; that ye, being rooted and grounded in love, may be able to comprehend with all the saints what is the breadth, and length, and depth, and height; and to Know the love of Christ, which passeth knowledge, that ye might be filled with all the fullness of God." (Ephesians 3:17-19)

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