Saturday, November 6, 2010

"It Is All About Love"

My daily choice is to Love God with all my heart, mind, soul and strength; and to Love my brothers and sisters! I do not obey God to draw close to Him; I obey because I Love Him and He Loves me. It is our love for God that causes us to be obedient, and more importantly, it is His never changing Love for us that keeps us close to Him, because of Jesus Christ!!! If we look at the word 'conversation', which Paul speaks about in Philippians 3:20; he says, "For our conversation is in Heaven,"; which does not mean our speech is about heavenly things. What that word means, is that our behavior is that of a citizen of Heaven; in other words, we are to behave as one who is worthy of the place which we belong. So it really is not a matter of our being obedient to be obedient, but more the fact that we are obedient because we are a Child of God! Our choice however, which we must make everyday, is to Love the Lord our God with all we are, and to express that love in the way we treat others. "Faith without works is dead"; this is what James, the brother of Jesus said; however, it might be easier to understand this reasoning by looking at the 'whole picture' presented within the New Testament, and when we do this, we can reach this conclusion: Love without action, is not Love!!! "Beloved, let us Love one another: for Love is of God; and every one that Loveth is Born of God, and Knoweth God. He that Loveth not Knoweth not God; for God is Love." (1 John 4:7 & 8)

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