Saturday, November 27, 2010

"Trusting In God - Always!"

I hope you know that I am writing this for me. No, really, this is the thing which I can find myself lacking in, on so many different levels: trusting the God who loves me, in all things, and always. I know what you are thinking: 'Hey Rich, you just need to trust Him.' Yes, you are right, I just need to put all my trust in Him and never look back. However, that is not in my nature; and as I said before, it is more my nature to try and figure out what God is doing; you know, so I can try to help Him plan things. That's me, the great planner, who plans everything; yet sadly, those plans that I plan do not pan out; in fact, I can not seriously remember any long term plans that I have made that have been successful. Therefore I have no other option than to trust God's plan for my life, right? Right? (I know that there is someone out there; somewhere.) Okay; here is the deal: I can not honestly give God thanks for 'all things' if I do not trust Him in 'all things'; and neither can you. Oh, we might be able to fake at good 'Thank You Jesus', or 'Praise the Lord', in the midst of something traumatic; but as soon as we get off in a corner, we cry out 'Why Lord?' Which is why the first thing required of us, and by first, I mean the foundation on which 'all' is set upon; but the very first thing that we must do, is believe that He is God! He is either God, or He's not! So the first thing required of us to truly trust in Him, is to believe that He is able, or capable of doing the things that only God can do. That seems simple and easy enough doesn't it? (Hello?) Doesn't it? Well, if you said yes, you are wrong; because this very first thing, is the very first thing that causes doubt. Maybe you do not agree? That's alright, because I am not here to argue; only to express what I believe. However, the reason the Bible starts with "In the Beginning God" is that way for a reason, because He is God; and one the requirements to be God is to have not been created; but instead to have been the Creator; which is why the very next word in Genesis 1:1, is "created". This is the foundation of the Bible, and if you can get past this, believing it with all your heart, then the rest will be simple and easy; but the first thing we must do is settle this question: 'Is He God, or not?' After we have the answer to this question verified in our hearts, we can then accept the next truth about God; which is the fact that He loves us! After listing all these things in verses 4-10 of 2 Corinthians, Paul says something which might seem off the subject; but given the situation which was going on in Corinth at the time of his writing, it really is to the point. "Oh ye Corinthians, our mouth is open unto you, our heart is enlarged. Ye are not straitened in us, but ye are straitened in your own bowels." (2 Corinthians 6:11 & 12) To understand the true meaning of this statement, we must first off consider what was going on in Corinth at the time, factor in what Paul was just talking about in that list of 'good and bad', look ahead to the next few verses; and, it might be a good thing to know what the word 'straitened' means. The basic meaning of that word, is to be restricted; in other words, to be unable to express yourself. Which is exactly what happens to us when we have doubt! "Now for a recompense in the same, (I speak as unto my children,) be ye also enlarged. Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness ? and what communion hath light with darkness ?" (2 Corinthians 6:13 & 14)

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