Tuesday, November 2, 2010

"W. O. R. K."

"Willing Obedience Reaps Kingdomitas" is written in my Bible right after Galatians 5:25, "If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit". I do not care what you have been told about the power you can have over sin, either by the power of God's Word, the power of the Holy Spirit, or even the power of faith it's self; you can not have power over sin unless you say 'No' to sin!!! You are the one who must make the choice as to what you are going to do; end of argument. That being said, we must realize what happens when we make that right choice; we are given power to press forward as we walk in the Spirit. Just like that W.O.R.K. spells out, willing obedience, is the stuff that those walking in the Spirit are made of; and walking in the Spirit is all about being in the Kingdom of God. No, really; I am saying that you are actually living in the Kingdom of God, right here and now. I know, it's not the Heavenly Kingdom, but God's Kingdom is working in and through every Believer here on earth. Not only that, but the heavenly hosts (Angels) are also working; the Holy Spirit is working; God's Holy Word is working; in fact, the more you are walking in the Spirit, the more you see all the things which are working towards the Kingdom of God. And guess what else; the more you are walking in the Spirit, the more can you easily see the things that are working against God's Kingdom; not only those things in our own lives, but also the things in the world. But, it all begins with 'Willing Obedience'! There will be no change in your walk, unless you are willing to be obedient to God. You can go to and through all sorts of seminars, revivals, retreats, and conferences; but until you make that choice to be obedient, you will not change. As I am winding down this year, I am doing what I usually do, and am planning what I will do next year. One thing that I believe God is putting on my heart is to start a Bible Study. I am praying about it, and trying to determine if I want to start something which may require a very large portion of my time. Then again, after I analyze how I spend most of my free time, I think that studying God's Word would be time better spent. I know that there have been times this last year where my postings have been out there, to say the least; but this is mostly because I have not been studying based on the teachings of others, but just sharing the things that I believe God was showing me in His Word. I think it would be best, not only for myself, but for anyone else that might be following this blog, if I would just stick to 'Sound Doctrine' instead of reaching out into outer space. (That was me, laughing at myself!) 'PRESS ON!'

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