Tuesday, November 16, 2010

"For We Know" -2

Besides knowing that this is not our home, we also know that anything we suffer here is but for a season. It's time to take out your measuring stick! Try it and see if it does not help; for this period of time that we are here 'is but a vapor'; here today, gone tomorrow! So, as you feel that you are so weighed down by your trial or suffering, just envision a ruler; at the beginning of the ruler is your life here on this earth, just a few inches or so; the rest of this ruler is eternity, which disappears into the heavens. As far as the eye can see, this measuring stick extends up into the heavens; and the portion of the stick that represents our time here, is but a few inches of the beginning. It kind of puts things in perspective; doesn't it? I know I have said this before, but I feel that it is something worth repeating; our demeanor matters! What that means, is that our outward behaviour matters; which is that which other people see in us. Is our perspective on life eternal? If so, than it should be lived out in our lives! However, the cares of this life tend to get in the way of our eternal perspective; clouding our vision of that measuring stick which extends up into the heavens. These are 'light afflictions' that we suffer here; even that which is suffered onto death, should be considered as a 'light affliction'; because it is so minuscule compared to eternal weight and glory. This is what we know, and what we must focus upon; for our time here is so short, yet it can matter for so much, given the right perspective; because people are watching our lives, and what we do under pressure matters, a lot more than you would know! With that being said, there is something else which can put this in a little better perspective: being clothed with eternal life. In other words, it is the fashion statement of Heaven, that others look upon us and see, and then desire to be dressed in themselves... "If so being clothed we shall not be found naked. For we that are in this tabernacle do groan, being burdened not for that we would be unclothed, but clothed upon, that mortality might be swallowed up of life." (2 Corinthians 5:3 & 4)

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