Friday, November 5, 2010

"The Daily Choice" - 3

Okay, now maybe you think I might be talking about being made perfect in works; as if we can draw closer to God by being obedient??? If that is what you think I said, or what you have believed yourself, then you might need to start over. We are nothing, or nowhere with out Jesus Christ; which goes beyond just receiving salvation, but continues on throughout our life here in the world. Each and everyday that we rise up out of our bed, we must start that new day in Christ, and then continue walking out that day in Christ. And it is the Holy Spirit that will be leading and guiding us, as we continue in Christ throughout our day. However, it is the Love of God, which is manifested through Christ's Spirit that is powering our hunger and desire for the things of God; subsequently, also giving us power over the things of the flesh. So, as you can see, it is not necessarily you that are yielding the power to be obedient, but the Spirit of God, in Jesus Christ, and through the experience of the Love of God being lived out in you. (Now I have made my own head spin!) It is that 'Love of God' being lived out in us that has the ability to make us draw closer to Him, not necessarily the choice we make, but our response to His Love! I do not think that we can do anything to make God love us more or less, but we can be in a position to experience His love more or less, which is based upon the choices we make throughout our day! Maybe you still think I am talking about some sort of works? You call it works, if that is what you want; but I will call it 'a child's response to the Father's Love'... "For our conversation is in heaven; from whence also we look for the Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ: who shall change our vile body, that it may be fashioned like unto His glorious body, according to the working whereby He is able even to subdue all things unto Himself." (Philippians 3:20 & 21)

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