Tuesday, November 30, 2010

"Yoked To Jesus"

So, maybe you can not see it that way; that's okay, I might need to see it that way because I am so unable to do what I should do on my own; and you are so strong in your faith, that your just plowing on down the road, wearing the yoke that you have been given. (You Think?) But the way I see it, Jesus has asked me to take His yoke upon me, and there are only so many ways that you can interpret that. One way to look at it, which is what I had previously felt, is that He has a yoke prepared for my life, which is custom fitted for me; and because it is for me, that is what makes it easy, and the burden associated with it will be light. Okay, that might work for a good interpretation, right? There is only one small problem with that way of thinking, and it is what I was shown so vividly yesterday; the problem is, that the work is then up to me, yet Jesus said, in Matthew 11:29, "and ye shall find rest unto your souls"; which if I really want to find rest, I know of only one place for rest to be found, and that is in Jesus. Alright, so maybe I am splitting hairs; but after that dream I had yesterday, I have to wonder what to think. I did not tell you the strangest part of the dream, although I did give you a hint; but the strangest part was that this phone I was trying to dial on, had only One phone number: 1-area code-number. But the problem was, that every time I went to place the call, there would be a problem with the buttons; and so I would get each button fixed, until finally I saw the 'clear' button after the area code, and then woke up. That coupled together with what I believe God was showing me in Paul's letter to Corinth, made me wonder about something very important: if I am coupled together with Jesus Christ, which means that His yoke is upon me, and we are coupled together as a team of oxen would be, and when I look back, could that be why the journey becomes difficult? Because I know that Jesus will not be looking back; and yet, when I am looking forward with Him, He is actually the one doing all the work; for He said in that same verse, "and learn of Me; for I am meek and lowly in heart"; which means that He will not require me to do any more than I can handle, and that He is actually the one doing the work; I just need to learn of Him. Now, as I look at what Paul said in 2 Corinthians 6:15 and 16, there are a couple of things which do not mix that I must take a real close look at. One of the things listed by Paul is in verse 15, "And what concord hath Christ with Belial ?"; in other words, what does Jesus have in common with worthlessness, wickedness, or lawlessness? Absolutely nothing, that's what! And then as we look at verse 16, "And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols ? for ye are the temple of the Living God". Giving this, which is so vastly contrasted, and then coupled together with that strange dream, I have been reminded of something which is so vitally important to being coupled together with Jesus: I can not be coupled together with Jesus Christ and with the world; the two do not mix!!! (Clear!)

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