Monday, November 15, 2010

"For We Know"

From the moment I accepted Jesus Christ into my heart (September 1981) I have known that this place is no longer my home; it was made very clear to me by the Holy Spirit which 'took up' residence within this temporary tent. In 2 Corinthians 5, Paul starts to declare something which must be pressed into our hearts and minds; not that we do not know this, but that we do not always live it. In verse one, he begins with "For we know that"; 'we know' in the Greek is 'oldamen', which means to know intuitively as a result of being a child of God. It is part and parcel of the knowledge that comes to us with our new birth in Christ Jesus. And what is it that we know? "For we know that, if our earthly house of this tabernacle were dissolved, we have a building of God, a house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens." (5:1) This should be something that we have settled in our hearts and minds, yet for most (if not all) of us, we have a tendency to grow accustom to the cares of this world, and to caring for the things of the flesh. Don't get me wrong here; I know that there are obligations we all have in this world, which require us to be a good steward of the things we have been given, and to raise our children, and care for the ones we love; but what I am talking about is the way we take our focus off the 'Prize', which is the place waiting for us in heaven. Maybe you might be saying, "But I can't see the place I have waiting for me in Heaven, so how can I focus upon it?" Well, this is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen; which is really what Faith is all about. "We Know" means that we know intuitively; it is part of the basic instinct of a child of God; and when you become a child of God, you receive certain instincts that are eternal. In other words; because you have been given eternal life by believing in Jesus Christ, you have now taken on certain traits of one who is eternal. Besides the fact that the Holy Spirit is in you, who confirms those things to us, and comforts us through the trails of everyday living; we have a new life in Christ Jesus which brings with it a new perspective, where what was once hidden from us, is now revealed in us, and that is 'eternal life'! And why do you think that this is important? Because the people around you are watching your life!!! What are you focused on??? "For in this we groan, earnestly desiring to be clothed upon with our house which is from Heaven:" (2 Corinthians 5:2)

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