Thursday, March 24, 2022

"Arrestors Arrested"

"The Officers answered, Never man spake like this man." (John 7:46 KJV)

  "But can an ax boast greater power than the person who uses it? Is the saw greater than the person who saws? Can a rod strike unless a hand moves it? Can a wooden can walk by itself?" (Isaiah 10:15 NLT)

 This is not my idea, but I heard Pastor Mike say this yesterday, speaking of this very same verse, "Those that were sent to arrest Jesus, were arrested by Him." This is so often how God works! We might think that we have power to do something, but when God wants us to do something else, any power we might have, is rendered useless. 

 I can recall many testimonies from very famous pastors and servants of God, as they told of encounters that they had, where they were subdued by God, right in the middle of attempting to overtake someone else. Maybe it is just being blindsided by something that you were not expecting or thinking about; as if, you were so focused upon one certain thing, you were made vulnerable by your obsession. 

 Thinking of one of these Pastors that I have known since I first became a Christian, Pastor Raul was one that had one such encounter. As he waited behind his door with a gun to shoot his wife, he turned on the television just in time to hear Pastor Chuck speak about God's love. Just like that, God was able to get into his heart; in that very instant he was arrested by Christ! 

 We sometimes forget just how powerful God really is! Not that we lose sight of that fact, but we just seem to get so caught up in the thing we are doing, it seems to not even matter in the moment. And just like that, God reveals just how powerful and mighty He actually is! The darkness cannot hide against the Light! 

 Over the last several days I have watched this same movie about three or four times, called, "God Calling." It's just one of those movies that shows the power of God to do whatever He wills, no matter how hard we try to avoid Him, He breaks us or breaks through, regardless! Sometimes we do not understand or know just Who we are dealing with! Quote from that movie: We Know Our God...

"Be careful that you do not refuse to listen to the One who is speaking. For if the people of Israel did not escape when they refused to listen to Moses, the earthly messenger, we will certainly not escape if we reject the One who speaks to us from heaven! When God spoke from Mount Sinai his voice shook the earth, but now he makes another promise: "Once again I will shake not only the earth but the heaven also." This means that all of creation will be shaken and removed, so that only unshakable things will remain. Since we are receiving a Kingdom that is unshakable, let us be thankful and please God by worshipping him with holy fear and awe. For our God is a devouring fire." (Hebrews 12:25-29 NLT) 

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