Monday, August 24, 2020

"Young Women of Jerusalem"

"Who is this sweeping in from the wilderness like a cloud of smoke? Who is it, fragrant with myrrh and frankincense and every kind of spice? Look, it is Solomon's carriage, surrounded by sixty heroic men, the best of Israel's soldiers. They are all skilled swordsmen, experienced warriors. Each wears a sword on his thigh, ready to defend the king against an attack in the night. King Solomon's carriage is built of wood imported from Lebanon. Its posts are silver, its canopy gold; its cushions are purple. It was decorated with love by the young women of Jerusalem." (S.O.S. 3:6-10 NLT)

  There are some things that just are too complex and dignified to place upon any one individual or party; as is goes, there are several different views on what might be taking place and who this is that is "sweeping in from the wilderness." The closest connection is that it is the young woman, and she is being taken somewhere in the chariot of Solomon; most likely being taken to her wedding.
  Again, this is thought to be a song that can be illustrated on several different levels: some believe it is simply songs of the love between a man and a woman, with all of its passions and quirks; to be more specific, the point is that of showing how God has ordained the relationship between the husband and wife, and that it is meant to be passionate and sensual.
  As stated earlier, I truly believe God has placed everything within the Bible for us to be brought into a closer, more informed relationship with Him. The other two most popular beliefs, is that this is a song that can used to portray the relationship between God and Israel, or Christ and the church. In that regard, both of those are pretty much the same; the life of the church, with all of its ups and downs and spinning around, pretty much mirrors that of Israel and all of its generational issues.
  But, as things turn out, both of them turn out the same: SAVED! A glorious wedding party of great celebration and glorious promise; the likes of which no one can even imagine or explain!
  Whether you have been walking with the Lord for several decades or just a few days, you have got to believe that He is coming for His church any day now. For whatever reason, God has kept us in suspense for that specific day or hour; something I believe we need to realize if we are going to be ready and prepared for, without warning.
  If you are interested, the oil that is in those lamps could be expectation or anticipation...

"Therefore we conclude that a man is justified by faith without the deeds of the law. Is he the God of the Jews only? is he not also of the Gentiles? Yes, of the Gentiles also: seeing it is one God, which shall justify the circumcision by faith, and uncircumcision through faith. Do we then make void the law through faith? God forbid: yea, we establish the law." (Romans 3:28-31)


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