Tuesday, August 18, 2020


"The watchmen that go about the city found me: to whom I said, Saw ye him whom my soul loveth?" (S.O.S. 3:3)

  Okay, so I guess we have some things to start talking about, as it is getting rather interesting. First of all, let me share some of my midnight madness, as much as I might be able; (again, no pun intended.) As I touched upon before, jealousy is a form of coveting, and to covet, whether you know realize it or not, is a gateway sin; it literally opens the door for us to dwell upon and plan things in our hearts, as well as opening our hearts towards hatred, abomination, and detestation against others, and even God.
  When we pretend that there is nothing wrong with us, and it is not up to us to change or be better, then there is where we become hardened and can totally loose control of any sense of logic or even compromise in understanding. This is not just a simple issue to solve, because the root is already been established; it can be cut down to a manageable or controllable size, but like a swatting tiger, it is always ready to be released.
  Please forgive me for my madness, but I feel as though I have been on a journey through several thousands of years of history all night long; beginning with the origin of sin, and the questions of why or how it gets so out of control. It is pretty obvious that the devil is called the serpent for a reason, but why it is that he does not need to stick around, that is the part that we need to understand. Once he gets us fixated upon something, we seem to have some mysterious ability to complete the task we started on our own.
  Right about now, you are probably wondering what in the world this has anything to do with what is being said within the context of this verse; as I too am beginning to wonder; but, oh my goodness, if we could only realize the power, wonder-working power we have been given to resist evil; to not give in to the temptation and to not dwell upon the sin. Such needless shame we bare! Did it ever dawn on anyone that maybe Able felt as though he needed a little cleansing, a little blood to wash away his sin? Please, pardon my departure...

"As it is written, There is none righteous, no not one: there is none that understandeth, there is none that seeketh after God." (Romans 3:10-11) 

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