Tuesday, August 4, 2020

"He Gives Me Shelter!" -2

"O my dove, that art in the clefts of the rock, in the secret places of the stairs, let me see thy countenance, let me hear thy voice; for sweet is thy voice, and thy countenance is comely." (S.O.S 2:14)
  Just so you know, this is totally and completely new to me; not that I have not studied the Bible or taught Scripture before, because I have; but this is something I have wanted to do for a very long time: to explore a Book of the Bible that is filled with controversy and substance to stretch the imagination and the mind. Matthew Henry is a very good source for this, as he seems to stay focused upon the spiritual applications; something I believe many current teachers tend to stay away from, as it might offend or cause some in their churches to become uneasy.
  Which reminds me, "Religion Does Not Save Us!" Which were the spoken words uttered by Pastor John during his message Sunday morning; which he should have repeated and reinforced, just in case they did not hear it the first time. How easily we forget, but that first day was not based upon any sort of prayer, it was based upon an encounter; something you cannot get from reciting a prayer or taking part in any sort of ritual or religious experience.
  I was reminded of this certain thing this morning, and I became certain that it was so! Religion tries to tell you whether or not you are saved, whether or not you are worthy enough to be saved; if any thing is further from the truth, it is the thought we can be made right by doing anything! There is nothing that makes us right with God, other than the blood us Jesus Christ! So there, I said it; if you have any sort of problem with that, then take your case to God; see how that works out, because you will not be very happy with your results!
  I can't begin to tell you the amount of times I have heard the argument, "What about those that have never heard the Gospel? Are you saying they will go to hell?" If you, that means You, have heard the Gospel Message, then it is on you to make your choice: God is just, but just because you think that there might be someone else that has not heard, does not give you the right to pretend that you did not hear! You cannot unhear something; it's not even a word!
  We must believe that God loves us! That is the bottom line of all that this relationship is based upon; to know that He loves us and to accept His love with open arms and thanksgiving! No matter what you have done, no matter how much you cannot feel worthy enough to come to Him, you have got to see that His love for you is real and is freely given. It is that, and that alone which will give us shelter: to know that He loves us, that is the most powerful Rock that there is; there is no Other! If God could make a Rock so big that He could not move, then that would be the One...

"No power in the sky above or in the earth below -indeed, nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of God that is revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord." (Romans 8:39) NLT

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