Saturday, August 15, 2020


"By night on my bed I sought him whom my soul loveth: I sought him, but I found him not." (S.O.S. 3:1)

  Just to clear the air, there are so many things that need to be said about that elephant in the room; first of which, is the fact that it is very small, yet amazingly big! Secondly, the thing that makes us less than what we are; something I hate to think about, but it must be dealt with, none the less. Faith, in and of itself, is only as good and as powerful as what you place your faith in, into, or upon; as strange as it might seem at times, He is always there, yet we sometimes fail to connect.
  The bed thing is pretty much the biggest clue, because when we go to bed, we usually expect to have something happen; as for example, I go to bed to go to sleep; most of the times I get to, but the deepest sleep I get is just before it is time to wake up. The other clue is night, as it is the time of many things that are opposite of day; which is and is not a cycle; which I guess depends upon a persons particular habits or hang-ups.
  Either way, these are the things we establish within our faith, faith in what we establish that God is, and how it is that we are to Him. Without getting to deep into that rabbit hole, I will simply say that our faith in God is something that must not be limited to what we are, what we can actually touch*, or what we can comprehend. That said, I believe that is where I see this "bed" thing is more really about what we expect, not just where we expect something to happen. Something that I expect we will uncover in a few more verses. (No pun intended.)
  Other than that, the "night" is more about darkness, something of fogginess, if you will; a time of doubt, or times of feeling very very alone. All of which are connected by faith, but with or without Him being found, our faith needs to be secure enough to believe that He is still there. Which is why He has given us His Word! I cannot over express the importance of God's Word! We must be a person that not only cherishes the Word, but that wants to get deeper and deeper into it, wanting to touch Him and to be touched by Him, all by the power of His Word.
  As to something that is sure, what is it that we have at our disposal that we can hold onto; what we can touch, and what we can dive into...

"So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing, by the word of God." (Romans 10:17)

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