Sunday, August 30, 2020

"Whose Blessed" -Too

"He made the pillars thereof of silver, the bottom thereof of gold, the covering of it of purple, the midst thereof being paved with love, for the daughters of Jerusalem." (S.O.S. 3:10)

  Diving right in, feet first, let's take a little journey through the making of this chariot; or so it is known as, because whatever it is, it is the means to a glorious end! As previously stated, I have not ever studied this Book before, and I have most likely read through it dozens of times; but, I have never imagined doing this! It is like moving through something you do not have any clue where it is taking you, nor are the doorways clearly marked. To be perfectly honest, I can truthfully say that I am trying just to listen and let go, where or whatever that is, I seriously do not know.
  Anywho, the word for "bottom" is simple to understand, because it simply means the support; if you can envision what that might be, in this type of structure, it would be the base of the carriage, which would be what the poles are under, and then the pillars would be resting on to of this base. I know you might have seen this type of a structure before; it is very commonly seen in movies where they usually will have someone of great importance being paraded through the countryside; usually the royal princess or maybe a prince. If any part of the was made from, "the wood of Lebanon," then this would most likely be that part.
  Sure, this is a little more than just wood, as this clearly says, "the bottom thereof of gold," so we must assume it has some other meaning, like that it is wood that has been covered in gold. So, if silver is to mean, that which is acquired by money, then gold is meant to be something of brilliance or splendor; or as a measure of weight. I hope this is taking me somewhere, because it seems to be getting really heavy!
  I know this, that what Jesus did on the cross, He did it because of love; not sure what He loved more, the fact that He was doing the Father's will, or the fact that He was making use clean; but I know for a fact, that He was looking forward to the result! Isn't that why we do anything for God, for what the result will be when we are done? I don't even care if you are doing what you do for money, that is still the result you are looking forward to, getting paid!
  That said, the "covering" is the seat, the actual place that you might ride on, like a saddle; but this seat is "purple," a red-purple, to be exact, as compared to a blue-purple, which is totally different. Not sure if you are getting the picture, because it is carrying something very special...

"But God commadeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us." (Romans 5:8)

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