Tuesday, March 26, 2013

"Voyage Maker" -2

"Deliver me not over to the will of mine enemies: for false witnesses have risen up against me, and such as breathe out cruelty." (Psalms 27:12) Now then; herein we know how that Jesus can with a word control the wind and the seas, how much more can He control what happens around our simple lives? I know that we all have been raised in the cartoon era of seeing waves and whirlwinds that have faces, and that look as if they might even have a soul; but I can assure you, although they sometimes are very powerful, they do not think, or plan, or even have reasoning within them, they just do what they are forced to do, which is swell and blow. I think that we sometimes forget the power of the God who loves us. I know we have learned about His great and powerful works through various Bible stories, and that we truly believe that God can do big and mighty things; but when it comes to our own life, we look at it as if, God's power is too busy being used elsewhere to be used on something as meaningless as myself. Never underestimate the Bigness of our God! We that are His children, He has placed us upon a path, and that path He has placed us on is the voyage that He has made specifically for our life; which means that my voyage, although the destination is the same as yours, is entirely a different voyage, filled with different encounters, different adventures along the way; each one is specifically made for me, and is fashioned for the work the that God who loves and cares for me wants to perform in my life. God allows things to happen in our lives; He sees those things coming, and more importantly, He sees the outcome of everything that we encounter; this is the power that God has over anyone and everything else, in that He knows what will happen next and the enemy does not! If we fail to see God's hand working upon our lives, it's not because His hand is not working, it's because we are not seeing the work that He is doing! I know you may have heard this before, and I hope I don't mess it up, but here's a little illustration of what I am taking about. There was a fierce storm that came upon a community, and the city was flooding; and while the rescue 4 x 4 trucks were patrolling the neighborhoods, they came upon a man who's house was flooding and he was protruding out of his window. They stopped at his house and yelled out for him to run out to safety; but the man replied, "It's alright, my God will save me!" After several attempts to persuade the man, the rescue workers moved on. Soon the water had reached the roof level of the house, and the man was now sitting on top of his roof; and along come a rescue boat, and the rescuers called out for the man to get in the boat; but he continued to reply, "That's alright, I am trusting in my God to save me!" Unable to convince the man the rescue workers moved on. Finally the water had taken over the enter house, and all that was still left was the top of the chimney; and as the man was perched at the top of his chimney, a helicopter arrived with a ladder rolled out for the man to grab onto; but he refused to grab hold of the ladder, yelling up to the rescue personnel, "Never mind, my God is going to save me!" After the helicopter crew had finally given up and moved on, the man was swept off of the chimney and drowned by the current. When he arrived in heaven, he was quick to ask the Lord, "Lord, I put all of my faith and trust in you, yet you let me perish in the storm; why did you not save me?" To which the Lord gently replies, "My son, I did all that I could do: I sent you a 4 x 4, a boat, and a helicopter; what more were you looking for?" "Do not err, my beloved brethren. Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with Whom there is no variableness, neither shadow of turning. Of His own will begat He us with the word of truth, that we should be a kind of firstfruits of His creatures." (James 1:16-18)

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