Sunday, March 3, 2013

"Humility Goes a Long Way"

"Gather not my soul with sinners, nor my life with bloody men:" (Psalms 26:9) Not so long ago, people were delighted by tangible pleasures, such as sports, family outings, walks in the park or along the beach; things that involved spending time together by actively sharing in the same moment of time together; even a lovely night out to dinner could have been enough to spark the fire of fellowship together. Today's world is greatly different, with each person sitting in their different world; some on Facebook, some checking messages; some don't even know what they are doing, all they know is that which fills there idle time, which means for some, any time of the day. What's up with this conversation? Well, just in case you were wondering, I have been praying for a way to explain what it means to be intimate with God; to be still before Him and to take the time out of our busy life to actually hear what He has to say. This intimacy with God requires devotion to your conversation with Him, and requires focusing on Him, and not on what you must be doing as soon as your done praying. Call it being in the moment, if you will; as with this modern society, which more and more is being filled with people isolating themselves into their own little bubbles; to enjoy the company of those that we are with requires our devotion to their presence; which really involves paying attention to them; the way that they react, the way that they express themselves, or just the all-round goodness of their company! I think it's time for me to buy a watch! Strange as that might sound, I will no longer be part of isolation epidemic; and the easiest way that I see to help me do that, is to wear a watch; something I haven't needed in years, since I always have my cellphone on me. That way I can leave my cellphone in the car when I am spending time with someone, and not be tempted to look at the screen, or distracted by anything but what we can share in together. Now you might be wondering what if anything this has to do with this verse today; and if you are, it's okay, because I was beginning to wonder myself! Actually, I was not; but I was hoping it all would make sense; because it's about doing what we need to do to ensure that we do our part! Whether that be our part in having the right kind of fellowship together, or by making sure all our focus is upon God when it's time to pray; we are the one's who are responsible for our actions, and we must assure that we do all that is possible to make it happen. As with the message David is putting forth, it's really quite simple: if you do not want to be gathered with sinners, then don't hang out with sinners; don't be like a sinner, and you won't have that identification as one of them! There are only to gatherings of souls which will exist: the gathering of saints, and the gathering of sinners; purpose in your heart to be in the right gathering..."But Daniel purposed in his heart that he would not defile himself with the portion of the king's meat, nor with the wine which he drank:" (Daniel 1:8) "And if it seem evil unto you to serve the LORD, choose you this day whom ye will serve; whether the gods which your father served that were on the other side of the flood, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye dwell: but as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD." (Joshua 24:15)

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