Thursday, March 28, 2013

"The Destination"

"I had fainted, unless I had believed to see the goodness of the LORD in the land of the living." (Psalms 27:13) It's really all about where we will finally end up! All the trials, and all the heartaches that come from the ebbs and flows of this broken life; people come into our lives, become a part of who we are, and then they are taken out; it all can be a little overwhelming if we were to focus on all the bad stuff to long; therefore, we should keep looking forward to that place where there will be no more tears, or sorrow, or death, just pure life in the presence of God! I am one of those that loves to watch Fox News; my television is almost always on the Fox News Channel, with the exception of Thursday through Sunday, then it's on The Golf Channel; although, I am beginning to get a little weary of all the commercials on both of these channels, and I am thinking of keeping it on my third favorite channel, which is the Food Channel; I love good food, and nothing beats eating foods that are pleasing to the eyes, smell, and taste. It can look great, but if it smells like wet dog, I won't eat it; and it can look and smell good, but if it's taste is bitter and lingers to long in your mouth, I would walk away from it if I were you. We can look forward to the food we shall eat in heaven; and you better believe, there will be eating in heaven; not so sure about 20 oz. rib eyes, cooked to a perfect medium rare, which is my favorite meal; but we can be assured that we will be completely satisfied with everything that God provides for us. Here, not so much! We are told that we should be, and even instructed in God's word that we should live lives that are content, but do we? or do our hearts still burn with passions for the things of this world? I am not talking about sinful things, but things that bring simple pleasures, like toys, and mini vacations, and theme parks, and just having fun. These are things that for the most part are man made pleasures, that although they are fun and can bring enjoyment into our lives, they can also bring us into bondage if not done in moderation. The point to all this jabbering, is that which we are to focus on, which is Heaven; that's the place we should be focused on, and it's where we need to be investing the desire of our heart; everything else is dying and will be taken from us, but Heaven, that's just getting closer and closer every single day... "Let your conversation be without covetousness; and be content with such things as ye have: for He hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee. So that we may boldly say, The Lord is my helper, and I will not fear what man shall do unto me." (Hebrews 13:5 & 6)

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