Monday, March 11, 2013

"None Whatsoever!"

"Though an host should encamp against me, my heart shall not fear: though war should rise against me, in this will I be confident." (Psalms 27:3) There is practically nothing that could be worse than what David is picturing here as a situation to be stuck in; I mean really, I you had a host of armies outside your home, with the sole intention to taking your life, what could be worse than that? A little dose of cancer, or maybe some financial devastation? No, I'm thinking, Give me the financial problems or the disease; at least then I could still have a fighting chance; but a host of lethal warriors banging down my door, that's not something that would give me much hope in making it to my next birthday. But here's the thing about God's protection, it's not dependent upon what chances we have; neither is our circumstance something that is beyond God's control or undoing; God can take my torn up, burned up corpse, and rise it up again, if that is what He so chooses to do; who am I to look for God's solutions to my problems? This flesh has nothing to brag about when it comes to fighting the Lord's battles; neither should we expect there to be any comfort from the world around us, as to be a hiding place from whatever should come against us; the battle belongs to the Lord, and it is the Lord that has the plan and the power to win it, not us or anything available for us to hide behind. Our greatest resource is the power of God, and the sooner we realize that, the sooner we will understand what it means to have no fear! Ya, but Rich, you don't understand my situation! What's worse that this? Really now; can you honestly say God can't fix your situation? because I know that He is able to fix anything! That's what gives me hope every day; that God is able to do anything, and all things are possible with God; no matter how impossible everyone thinks things might look, God's abilities are not based upon anything but what He chooses to do; period!!!! So, next time you feel overwhelmed by something and feel as if there is no hope, remember one simple fact about what God can do: "For with God nothing shall be impossible." (Luke 1:37) Spoken by none other than Gabriel the angel of the Lord, who should know what he is talking about...

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