Saturday, March 2, 2013

"Good Means You Love God" -2

"LORD, I have loved the habitation of Thy house, and the place where Thine honour dwelleth." (Psalms 26:8) As I was praying about this passage of Scripture, I was taken to the mat on something that goes way beyond just loving God back; if we are really thankful for all that He has done in our lives, and for how much He does love us, then we do not have to try so hard to love Him back, it's something that should come to us naturally after having received such a power love into our hearts and minds. However; God gave me such a simple vision of the weakness we tend to have in love, especially us men, as we pour out our hearts to gain the heart of a woman, and then once she is ours for good, we become selfish and neglect to express love in a way that keeps her amazed. God never stops loving us; neither does He stop showering us with His great mercy and grace; rather, it is we that fail to express love back to Him, and in so doing, we neglect to feel the great love between us and Him. Okay, I might need to explain that a little further. It's kind of like a husband or a wife, who after many years of being married, wakes up one morning and says, I just don't feel that love in our marriage anymore! Do thing not feel that love because their spouse quit loving them, or might it be because they have fallen out of love? Maybe both are true in many situations; however, that is not the way God would have us react to love. Love is not a feeling, or an emotion; love is a commitment to another, by which you are to love regardless have how you might feel, or even if you feel loved back. I can tell you from experience, love requires sacrifice of self; which means, that you put aside your selfish need for feeling the comforts of being loved, and do all that you can to express love; thereby, providing love!!! Yes, it is a lot like running water; you can be loved on like it's no body's business, but until you begin expressing love yourself, you are not really going to feel the affects of love. You say that you don't feel love in your marriage; then love your spouse like never before! You say that you want to feel love; then start loving with all of your heart! As for God's love, and how we can trust that He loves us; His holiness and righteousness speaks to the magnitude of His love, because there is no darkness that dwells in God, only Light and Righteous Love... "Lord, help me to express my love for you in the actions of my life. Help me Lord, to love you with all of my might, that I can feel what it means to know love, and how your love works through me and in me. In your wonderful name, Lord Jesus. Amen"

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