Saturday, March 30, 2013

"Safe and Secure"

"Wait on the LORD: be of good courage, and He shall strengthen thine heart: wait, I say, on the LORD." (Psalms 27:14) I know I have said this a least a couple dozen times already, but as with most every one of the Psalms, the final verse sums up what the Psalm is about. The title printed by the Publisher above this Psalm in my Bible says, A Prayer of Praise; taking into consideration what it means, or should I say, what it should mean to us to be able to pray to our God, and knowing that He listens, we should be a people that have no worries whatsoever. I mean really; if we truly believe that He is listening, and if we, as His child, that we know that He loves, can cry out to Him as our Loving Father, then from where do our worries come from? Stinkin thinkin might be part of the problem; where we conjure up some reasons in our minds why we  are not answered, or reasons why God might be mad at us; primarily because of sin that we might have not confessed, or something that we did not do when asked to do it. The wavering mind spoken about by James is a good example of what I am talking about; where we ask God for help, and then in almost the same breath, say, God shall not answer my plea for help, because. (James 1:6-8) If there is one important thing that I have learned over the last thirty plus years, it's that God loves to answer our prayers; He may not answer them right away, primarily because of "all things being done in good timing", but He totally loves to amaze us by showing us how much He cares for us; we just need to learn to wait upon Him! What is it that we actually need when we cry out to Him with our insecurities? Isn't it that we would feel secure? I mean, really; isn't that all we really need? We could have a host of armies camped outside of our home, just waiting for the slightest sign of movement inside, to open fire and take us out; yet if God has made us feel secure in Him, there is absolutely nothing to be worried about! It's the same for whatever else you might be dealing with: if God is with you, then whom do you need to be afraid of, or what could possibly come against you? It really comes down to four words said two different way: "Wait on the LORD" and "Be of good courage"; they pretty much mean the same thing, it's just a different way to say that we feel safe and secure in the Lord our God..."Being confident of this one thing, that He which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ:" (Philippians 1:6)

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