Friday, March 1, 2013

"Good Means You Love God"

"LORD, I have loved the habitation of Thy house, and the place where Thine honour dwelleth." (Psalms 26:8) No place is as good as being in the presence of God! There is absolutely nothing that compares to what comes over me as I fellowship with the Lord in early mornings, and as I worship His name and His awesome works that He has done. It's because I love to be in fellowship with Him that I am forced to get up each morning and seek His face; whether I feel like it or not, I must not forsake having fellowship with the One who loves me more than I can ever realize! That might sound a little foolish to some; like, why would I be forced to get up? isn't it something that you do willfully? Yes, most mornings are filled with great expectation of what the Lord will speak to me about; and some are even so expectant, that I can hardly wait until it's time for fellowship; but there are those mornings when I feel tired, and I want to stay in bed. Those kind of mornings I must force myself to get up; not because I must overcome being lazy, but because I must not forsake the time that I set aside for meeting with the Lord. I have done that several times before, and it is not something that I want to do again. That's one thing good about having a very early morning prayer time: there's really not much else you could be doing at 4:00 in the morning; besides sleeping, or meeting with the Lord. Therefore, I have only two choices of things to do at the particular time when I am to be meeting with the Lord each morning; I either stay sleeping, or I get up and seek His face; every once in awhile I find myself having done the first one, but it is usually because of pure fatigue, and not because of being lazy. The point I am trying to make, is one about a desire to be in God's presence; whether we might feel like it or not, if we know how much we need to be there, then we have got to make a choice not to forsake meeting with Him on a regular basis; which means daily! I know that some of you are puzzled by why someone that would love to be somewhere so much, could ever think about forsaking being there, but it's not something that you just get up one morning and choose to do; it's more something that you ease your way into, where you might start with fifteen minutes, and then thirty, and then forty five; until the hour you have set aside for prayer has become five minutes, and you barely have a chance to ask forgiveness for any dreams that you may have had that night. I am sorry if you don't understand what I am getting at; but if there is one thing I have learned over the past thirty plus years, it's that prayer must be more than a little five minute acknowledgement of God; it must consist of asking for His forgiveness, praising His majesty, praying for others, and sometimes just sitting there being still before Him, to let Him turn you inside out! Just try it if you doubt what I am saying! Force yourself to pray for one hour each morning, and make sure that you make it a full hour; not because it will not count as much if you don't, but because you will appreciate it more if you do..."And He cometh unto His disciples, and findeth them asleep, and saith unto Peter, What, could ye not watch with me one hour?" (Matthew 26:40)

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