Sunday, July 31, 2011

"Free To Love" -2

(Prelude: This being our 29th anniversary, I hereby dedicate this blog to my wife; because by her side, I have had the chance to express love, and to feel love at so many different levels. I love you Marianne...) Having spent much of my life from the age of 11 till I was 23 in and out of jail, I can recall what it was that made me not want to be behind bars; one thing that it was not, was the fact that I was there, because I could pretty much adapt to any condition. But the thing that made me not want to be there was the hurt I felt inside from not being able to be with the ones that I loved. In a strange kind of way, that is what I am talking about when it comes to loving God; because, how can you love a God that you cannot approach? This is what sin has done to us: it has created a gulf between us and God; a gulf that makes approaching God impossible. Which, in case you did not know, is what Jesus died on the cross to correct; for He became the bridge to get us across that gulf so that we could be free to access the Father; and thus, we are free to love God. So, right now you might be asking yourself, Why can't we love God even though we are far from Him? Well, maybe we could try, but to be perfectly honest, I think that would be what is called being lovesick. At least that is how I remember it from the times that I was locked up behind bars; because I still loved those that I had missed being with, I was just lovesick because I could not be with them. However, what we are talking about here has one very big difference, which is, that I already knew those people that I missed; but with God: we can not know Him until we are set free to love Him... "Herein is Love, not that we loved God, but that He loved us, and sent His Son to be the propitiation for our sins." (1 John 4:10)

Saturday, July 30, 2011

"Free To Love"

Not the same place that we were born in, that's the picture that I see. Alright, you might be wondering what that means; or, at the very least, you might not see the connection between that statement and the title of this blog; or do you? Simply put, we that are saved, are not in the same position of standing with God that we were when we were born into this world, (duh). Yes, I know; who let that cat out of the bag? But I am actually talking about something a little more instructional, since we all know that we were born in sin and separated from a holy God; but there is another place where the change takes place, and it is called our heart. I know that might be hard to understand if you have not yet been born again; and I have seen the evidence of that when sharing the Love of God with someone who does not understand how much He loves us. The common conception for those that do not have a relationship with Jesus Christ is that God is a judge, and is constantly judging the world for their sins. They rarely see the Love of God being the picture of who He is, and how that bases His affection towards us; or even how He looks upon us. There will come a day for judgement, that is for sure; but right now it's time to get saved!!! Once we are given a glimpse of how much He loves us, it is then that we are free to love Him back. You might not think that is such a big deal; after all, we are commanded to love the Lord our God with all of our heart, mind, soul, and strength; but the way I see it, we can not truly do this commandment until we actually know how much He loves us. This I believe is proven by the rest of the statement Jesus made after verse 28; because within His words are the instruction to becoming free to love God. We must learn how Jesus is presented as the sum and substance of the gospel; and to become related to Him is to know Him, and knowing Him is to know His teaching and abide in it... "Take my yoke upon you, and learn of Me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls." (Matthew 11:29)

Friday, July 29, 2011

"Resting In God's Love" -3

I don't know if I made this totally clear, but let me try something else. From our youth, the product that we have sought to satisfy our souls has been unconditional love: we thought we had it in our parents, but were let down time and time again; we thought we had it in our lovers, but were sadly rejected; we thought we had it in our friends, but the supply was limited; and then, well our spouses, although more stable than the others, still came with conditions. And here we are, facing the only true love that is unconditional, which is the Love of God, and what do we do? we look for a sign or proof how that His love for us is real. We have been given the sign and the proof that He loves us; what more proof do we need than the death of His Son upon the cross? Do we see the Father in this act of sacrifice? John had not lived long enough to see it happen, but then again, he knew what it was meant to be; why else would he have referred to Jesus, "Behold, the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world!"; and yet, "Art thou he that should come, or do we look for another?"; really!!! This must have saddened Jesus a little to hear this question from His cousin that knew Him, even before his own live birth; yet Jesus did not hold that question against John; much like He did not hold Peter's denial against him. Thus was the reason for Jesus to say those things that He said between the question and the declaration that was made in verse 28. Because; it is not about a sign, although One has been given; it is about Jesus revealing God's Love to us, and us believing that which is revealed: Unconditional Love!!! "For when we were yet without strength, in due time Christ died for the ungodly. For scarcely for a righteous man will one die: yet peradventure for a good man some would even dare to die. But God commendeth His Love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us." (Romans 5:6-8)

Thursday, July 28, 2011

"Resting In God's Love" -2

"Come unto Me all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest." (Matthew 11:28) I think that there is more to this than we might have been told; at least what we were told in Sunday School. Having tried to find rest in Jesus from the burdens of this life, I wonder if that is really the rest He is referring to? Because I think it is something a little more intimate and meaningful to the heart, than the weariness of survival. In Matthew 11, Jesus is confronted by the disciples of John the Baptist, asking, "Art thou He that should come, or do we look for another?"; this he sent them to ask Jesus as he was in prison and heard of the works Jesus had done. I find it rather odd that John would question who Jesus was, especially after first seeing Him and declaring, "Behold, the Lamb of God". After this encounter with John's disciples, Jesus began to list some things about John's ministry, and in verses 16-19 Jesus says something rather odd: "But whereunto shall I liken this generation? it is like unto children sitting in the markets, and calling unto their fellows, and saying, We have piped unto you, and ye have not danced; we have mourned unto you, and ye have not lamented. For John came neither eating nor drinking, and they say, He hath a devil. The Son of man came eating and drinking, and they say, Behold a man gluttonous, and a winebibber, and a friend of publicians and sinners. But wisdom is justified of her children". Then Jesus goes on to list cities in which mighty works were done because the people would not listen and repent; finally coming to verse 25, where He declares the why behind the reason for the seekers not finding, the lost not hearing, and the wicked not caring: "At that time Jesus answered and said, I thank Thee, O Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because Thou hast hid these things from the wise and prudent, and hast revealed them unto babes. Even so, Father, for it seemed good in Thy sight. All things are delivered unto me of my Father: and no man knoweth the Son, but the Father, neither knoweth any man the Father, save the Son, and to whomsoever the Son will reveal Him." After saying these things, Jesus then says what we find, and have come to memorize from childhood: "Come unto Me all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest." John the Baptist had rested, but was currently not resting, as he wondered if Jesus was actually the Lamb of God, which he once thought that He was. Many of us labour continually, looking and hoping for the rest we might find from searching for answers to those things which stumble us, or rest from doubting the answers that are given; yet, it is not about seeing the answers; it is about finding the Love of God, and then resting in that!!!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

"Resting In God's Love"

Not as easy as it may sound, but very necessary for our ability to know Him more! What am I talking about, you might wonder. I left off yesterday talking about accepting the fact that God knows us, each and every one of us, and that He loves us one and all. So then, why should it be so difficult to rest in that love? I have a theory, but you might not like it; and it has to do with our ability to love the Lord with all of our heart, mind, soul, and strength. Ever have nights when you just could not get to sleep? You toss and turn for hours, just watching the hours pass by on the clock, as they get closer and closer to the time that you must wake up. Something is distracting you from your sleep; that is the bottom line to what is stopping you from getting to sleep, you are being distracted from the ability to just close your eyes and sleep; whether it's pain, an itch, anxiety, worry, or a busy mind; whatever it is, it is distracting you from being able to sleep. Now then, take that same principle and apply it to our ability to rest in God's love; it is not that His love is not available, because it always is; but that we are distracted by something else, from being able to rest in His love. Sin is a pretty common distraction, but so is love for other things. To rest in the love of the Lord requires that we love Him; I really cannot say it any clearer than that. To continue in that rest, that requires that we are not distracted from loving Him; a whole different level of rest, and one that is difficult to achieve. And it is not because we have no ability to achieve it, because we do: the Holy Spirit that is abiding within each and every one of God's children, He can keep us resting in God's love; however, it is still up to us to turn our face towards God. The Scripture that I closed with yesterday, which was Zephaniah 3:17, had a part that was hard to figure out at first: "He will rest in His love" is not to be mistaken for anything else but God's love always being present. When we do not feel His love surrounding us, it is not because He has quit loving us, but that we have been distracted from loving Him!!!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

"Big Enough To Know Me"

The concept of a very big God can have the illusion that He can not be personal, or that He is too big to know us personally. Well, have you ever thought that? I know that I have; as I looked at this world and see so many complex issues, and so many people with far more important things surrounding them than I have going on in my life; or gaze up at the sky at night and see the vast magnitude of the stars, knowing that He created each and every one of them with the power of His Word; thinking, how can He know me? Yet, His word says that He is All Knowing, All Seeing, and All Caring; which tells me that His vastness is bigger than all that we can see, however, He still knows me! Sometimes it is hard to wrap my brain around that long enough to have it sink into my heart; which might be the issue that needs to be dealt with; you think? I went to see the movie Soul Surfer yesterday, and there was a part that really touched my heart, when she came to realize something very special that she had been given out of her trial. A reporter asked her, Would you still have gone surfing that day when you lost your arm, if you could do it over again? She replied, Yes, I wouldn't have it any other way; because I can wrap my arms around more people now with just one arm, then I ever could with two. That really spoke to my heart, because we all can be brought to a point where the love of God means more to us after we have had something severed from our life, than it did before, when our life was normal. For me, just thinking back to what I was prior to my wife's injury, and those things that I considered important; or better yet, those things that I did not think were that important, such as holding hands and walking along the beach; or just sharing in a conversation about the things that we love. Actually, I think that we can apply this same principle to our relationship with God, where we do not realize or appreciate those quite moments alone with Him; times when there are not signs and wonders that we are looking for, but just the stillness of His fellowship, as we relax in Him; knowing Him and accepting the fact that He knows us too. Our God is a very big God, but His love is even bigger: big enough to know each and every one of us... "The Lord thy God in the midst of thee is Mighty; He will save, He will rejoice over thee with joy; He will rest in His love, He will joy over thee with singing." (Zephaniah 3:17)

Monday, July 25, 2011

"To Be Set Apart Too"

If you could plan something that was really really big, something that was going to stun the world, what would it be? As I was praying about this post this morning, I could not help but think how those that have scoffed at talk of Jesus, and have even persecuted those that believe in Him, are going to react to the mighty glory that shall be revealed. Do they even get to see it? I can recall as a child, one thing that I hated the most was being punished by going to bed without dinner, because back then, the television was set aside for viewing as a family after dinner. As I would lay there in my bed, not only was I hungry from not eating, but I also was being starved of the entertainment going on in the other room. I could hear laughter, making out who was laughing, and wondering what it was that they could be watching. The hunger for food did not matter anymore, because the new hunger from missing out on the fun was stronger. There is another meaning to being set apart, which is to sever, or cut away that which is not wanted or unworthy. I am thinking that somehow those that have rejected God's offer of mercy and grace, will in some way or another know what they are missing out on. The old saying, misery loves company, has truth to it; because those that are bent on destroying there lives, will want to include others in their misery; not because they actually want the company, but because they feel better when others suffer with them. Anyway; as I was praying, thinking about those that scoffed, I was shown something that I think is rather interesting: Jesus Christ, God's only begotten Son, has a Name that is to be given that is above every other name; being set above everything that could ever be named; what do you think that means? As we look to what we shall become, let's remember something that might be hard to imagine, but is the reason that He suffered and died for us: that we will be One with Him and with the Father; not just in Spirit, but in the new bodies that we shall be given in heaven. If that is not enough to make us seek holiness, how about these apples: we too shall be given a new name, as we are joined together with the Lamb of God, as One... "How precious also are Thy thoughts unto me, O God! How great is the sum of them! If I could count them, they are more in number than the sand: when I awake, I am still with Thee." (Psalm 139:17 & 18)

Sunday, July 24, 2011

"To Be Set Apart"

"I will praise Thee, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvelous are Thy works; and that my soul knowest right well." (Psalm 139:14) The meaning of 'to be set apart' is to be wonderful; which is to be something that has a very special place in God's creation. Jesus has purchased us with His blood to be His bride, which in and of itself is something far greater than we can begin to imagine. And when that day shall come we shall be overwhelmed by the position that we are given and the glory that we will share in with Him. If we only knew what was waiting for us; if we could only get a glimpse of what we shall become; how much easier it might be to remain holy and pure. I believe Paul had such a glimpse; as well as several others, including David, who had written about the marvelous works of the Lord, although not able to put into words the glory that was revealed to them. John, who was taken there for the purpose of writing the Book of Revelation, could only use metaphor's and symbolism's to describe what he saw; and he even had help, by the Lord telling him what to write. As for those of us that have not seen, we are meant to look for it as a prize which shall be revealed on that day; just knowing that the spender will be beyond description. It is one thing to wait for something grand that you shall be recieving; but it is something altogether more wonderful to be part of the grandeur...

Saturday, July 23, 2011

"Counting The Cost"

To be a child of God, is to understand the price that was paid for our sins to be forgiven; knowing the difference between that which is our role in our salvation, and that which is our Lord's. His role was to make us holy and acceptable; our role is to accept what He has done for us, and then to act accordingly. And a prime resource that we have, within our own strength to be holy, is made possible by counting the cost of what He has done. Instead, we spend more energy on counting the cost of what we do, might do, or have done; which in and of itself is not a bad thing; however, it is not the prime cost to be counting. In other words; by us counting the cost of what Jesus did, we are given over to the powerful work that was accomplished on that cross, which is the essence of our salvation; yet, the flip side of that, is the work that we do, or don't do in response to what He has done for us; which might be important for us to consider, but in no way changes what He has done, or takes away from the salvation which has been provided to us. Do we really understand this? I don't think that we do most of the time; because otherwise, why would we not act accordingly? If we did, then we would walk upright, knowing that we have been made uprightly, in order to do so. To put that another way: to be free from sin, and the power of sin, is only made possible because Jesus has defeated sin in the first place! Now, couple that with the fact that we are made to be without sin by the price that He paid upon the cross, which was not only to defeat sin, but was also to place us in a right standing with the Father, and you have the sum total of what we are in Christ: justified and set apart...

Friday, July 22, 2011

"Only Jesus" -2

"And unto the angel of the church of Sardis write; These things saith He that hath the seven Spirits of God, and the seven stars; I know thy works, that thou hast a name that thou livest, and are dead. Be watchful, and strengthen the things which remain, that are ready to die; for I have not found thy works perfect before God." (Revelation 3:1 & 2) Herein we find the other side of the strengthening; to be strong in the Lord, and not commit sin. This is our choice, and requires a heart that is broken; broken not for the regret of sinning, but rather from the price which was paid to free us from the bondage of sin. This might be the reason that those within the Catholic Church surround themselves with images, statues and crucifixes that have Jesus hanging on the cross; to remind them of the price which was paid for the sins that they might want to commit. Let me burn that image into my heart and mind, is what Paul was getting at in His letter to Corinth; which is what we that are not of the Catholic faith must do; an image that reminds us of what was done for us, and that portrays the cost of sin. Instead, what we see, in more cases than not, is the image of ourselves either being victorious or falling short; played over and over in the shadows of our mind; as if this image that we see of our self is the bases for our standing with God. Well is it? Not hardly!!! It is only Jesus, the one who died for our sins, that gives us a right standing with God; anything else falls way short and is dead. The strength that comes from the image of Jesus on the cross is one of love; and if that is not the case; well, let's just say that something is missing, and maybe we might need to revisit the cross to find out what it is. Understand what I am saying, and remember what it means to be set free from sin; because it is not about how we might fall into sin, or even walk into it; but rather or not we try and justify our sin in one way or another; because, how can we try to justify something that was paid for with such a great price?

Thursday, July 21, 2011

"Only Jesus"

"For I determined not to know any thing among you, save Jesus Christ, and Him crucified." (1 Corinthians 2:2) What really makes us humble? Is it the fact that we can't ever get it right? Or, is it the cross, and He who died on it for us, even because we can't? This is something that we may not truly understand until the day that we stand before Him, and witness the look in His eye as He holds out His nail pierced hands to us. Sometimes we get so caught up in ourselves that we forget that what He did was in our place. To be perfectly honest, I tend to forget more often than I would care to admit; but the truth of the mater is, that I rarely give it much thought. Not that I am not grateful for what He has done, because when given the chance to think about it, I am; but I think it comes more down to the life that I live which causes me more to focus on the liberties that I have, than on the punishment I was saved from. Yet, that is what He did; as He hung there on that cross, He paid the price for my sins!!! Something which makes me wonder about the sin in my life, and to what point that my sins were paid for? Do you understand what I am asking? I can't blame you if you don't, because I am such a vile sinner, only I could come up with such a question. But seriously; how is it that we can continue in sin knowing that He hung there on the cross to pay the price for the sins that we commit? Alright, it's true that we are called out of darkness and into His marvelous light; I get that; but when we try to disappear back into the darkness, if not just for a moment, what then? It is not because we do not value the price which He paid, but that we forget why He paid the price to begin with! We are sinners through and through, and as such, we are not able to live a perfect life; however He did; and because He did that which we cannot do, He purchased us with His blood when He died in our place; giving Him the right to call us out of the darkness, and setting us apart from that which we would normally be accustom to, as one who is a sinner! So then, my next question: If we are saved by such marvelous grace, then why do we so gracefully sin?

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

"The Strengthening" -3

(Just when you thought it was safe to go back into the water...) As if the real solution is to be able to tolerate whatever it is that we are going through; because it is not! We still might find whatever it is to be hard to deal with; however, in the midst of the storm we find shelter and peace. The storm may still be there, and can still be a present danger, but our relationship with the Lord is strengthened through it. It is this kind of strengthening that brings us to a deeper and more intimate relationship with Jesus; thereby making us more aware of the sanctuary that we have in Him. This is why that this form of the word is only found in biblical grammar, because it is only in Jesus where we can find this type of strength. Real comfort within the storm can only come from He who controls the storm; and we must realize this as so! Unfortunately, our natural reaction is to want the storm to be over, and therefore we do not take rest until it is; but the real strengthening takes place within the storm. Hence the reason for us to count it all joy as we are going through anything which can cause us to draw closer to our Lord. But how often do we practice this? But we must!!! Please don't misunderstand what I am saying, and think that we must become storm chasers, looking for storms to come our way; that would be foolish and would not do us any good at all. However, we must be willing to be ready for anything that would come against us, knowing that through this which you are about to face, Jesus will be glorified, and you will be strengthened in Him, or possibly, also others will be strengthened through you. So, does this mean that we will not tolerate the storm? No, because in all probability we will; however, that is not the reason for us to be strengthened, nor is it how we are strengthened. In fact, our anguish may intensify, and may even become unbearable; however, though our flesh be destroyed and our body be brought to the point of death, our spirit shall be at peace. Can we find that kind of peace anywhere else but Jesus? I think not!!! Please believe me when I say, it is not about finding comfort in this life, because if that is what you are looking for, you will be sadly disappointed in the outcome; or at the very least, the comfort that you find will be temporary. Instead, we are given comfort in Jesus Christ and Eternal Life; something which extends far beyond this life or anything in this world that could tear our flesh apart...

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

"The Strengthening" -2

Who are you going to call on? Really, do you know? Thinking back to times when I have been against the ropes, I always cried out to God for help, and then I would look for the answers to my problem in someone else; as if God would have the answer that I needed provided by someone that I knew. Okay, maybe that might sound a little strange, but it seemed the natural thing to do; making me and whomever a player in the solving of my problem. To wait upon the Lord, really means, to wait upon the Lord! But how often do we really wait upon the Lord? And for how long? You see, to really wait upon the Lord, we must put all of our trust in Him; which must require us to be still and know that He is God; and (this is the part we do not like), it requires patience in whatever we are dealing with. The only way that we are going to be strengthened in the Lord is be counting on Him for our strength. Much like, the only way to be fit is to work at being fit by working out. However, there is a huge difference in what we see and what we don't see, or even sometimes cannot see. When we work out to be fit, we can see ourselves getting fit; but when we are strengthened by the Lord we may not see ourselves being strengthened, but may in fact see ourselves getting weaker; because when we are weak, then He is strong. So in reality we do not see Him strengthening us, but rather, we see Him more clearly; unfortunately, that is not the answer that we are looking for most of the time to satisfy our particular problem; however, it really is the true answer that we need!!! Okay; in the verse I started with there was the word 'strengtheneth' which Paul used to declare, "I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me"; the thing about this word is that it is only found in biblical and ecclesiastical grammar, meaning to make strong, in the spiritual and moral sphere. Herein is the problem that we might have with this; because usually the answer that we seek to our problem, is to fix the problem, or to have the problem fixed; however, the Lord's answer is one that takes us away from the problem altogether; in other words, whatever it was that we thought we were faced with is no longer the care that we have; and the only care that we now have, is pleasing Him...

Monday, July 18, 2011

"The Strengthening"

"I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me." (Philippians 4:13) Sometimes we must confine in the real source of our power more than that of others; unfortunately, we do not always do this. Actually, in most cases it takes us being to the point where we have exhausted all other sources before we will rely on the real source of our strength. For Paul, his was a dramatic awakening, and one that did not require much more trial and error to get it right. It is one thing to be lead into the ministry, and it is quite another to be swept into it. Timothy was a man that had been lead into the ministry by Paul; taken under his wing, and treated as his son, Paul had pretty much adopted Timothy into his ministry to reach the Gentiles. Paul on the other had been swept into the ministry; literally swept off his feet and placed on the road to preaching the Gospel. A road which was faced with much opposition, and from all sides but One; and yet, it was this One that was the source of his strength, right from the start. It is hard for me to imagine what Paul must have felt in the lowest points of his ministry; or what he must have considered during those times when his brothers, fellow countrymen, and new found friends had pushed him out as a trouble maker, and even as one who was corrupting the faith. Given a charge to take the Gospel of Christ to all the nations, kings, and all of Israel, Paul had opposition from those that he was taking to, as well as those from which he had come; not an easy task to deal with. Timothy was Greek; his father was a Greek and his mother was a Jewess; and for him, he had been given a chance to enter into the ministry on a whole different level; one which accepted the idea of adoption into the family of God and His chosen people. While Paul, who considered himself a Jew of the Jews, relinquished his title, to be brought into a more common place with his Gentile brothers and sisters. Not that he was abandoning his heritage, but that his heritage had abandoned him. And given a new heritage in Christ Jesus, he pressed forward, not regarding those things which he had once counted as his heritage in the Jewish nation, he had converted his homeland to a place that had it's heritage in Jesus Christ. It was this mindset that was his determination to persevere through much of the rejection that he received from those that were his own. And yet he did not abandon those that were his own and part of his previous heritage, but rather strove to include them into the new heritage; knowing that ultimately God's people were still the children of Israel, and that everyone else was to be grafted into the family of God by their belief in Jesus Christ; which was something else that also caused him great opposition. Therefore, right from the start Paul had no one else to count on for strength and encouragement than Jesus; Who, by the commission that He had given unto Paul, had enabled him to endure every obstacle that did arise. Okay then, now that we have covered some of the source of Paul's strengthening, lets look at the practical side: What is your calling? And what are the obstacles that you might face? And most importantly: If you know what your calling is, do you look for open and closed doors to be the judge of it? Or, do you as Paul, look to The Door to be the only authority to that which guilds your way? Sometimes a door that is open or closed is not the answer to moving forward, but rather is an obstacle in and of itself that must be overcome, or a distraction from that which you are meant to do. It's kind a funny the way that we look at things sometimes, as if that which seems to be the way of least resistance is the true road to take; when in reality, it may be just the opposite, because the one will cause us to rely upon ourselves, while the other requires that we rely solely upon God...

Sunday, July 17, 2011

"The Living Standard"

(Disclaimer: sometimes I can get pretty far out there!) Now that you know what I am talking about, and can appreciate the possible outcome, there is one more glimpse that we must take into all the definitions of this mysterious word. I say mysterious for a reason; not that the word is a mystery, but that which it can represent. When we read in Hebrews 12:2, how that we are to look to Jesus, Who is the author and finisher of our faith, it is due in part to the fact that He holds all the practical components of what that faith must be based upon. All the way back to the beginning of time, and well past the very end, it is Jesus, Who, as the Living Standard, has not only been the declaration of God's love, but is the essence of His Love, that has been manifested unto us. To put it in terms that can be easily understood: God's Banner of His Love is His Son Jesus Christ; which is His Living Standard!!! And wait, hold the phone! The measurement of His love, if it could be measured, is also His Son! In fact, I do not think that any definition of the word 'standard' will not be able to be used as a sign which points to Jesus, and what He represents. Even the simplest definition, which I have not mentioned yet, can be looked upon as a sign of what our Lord and Saviour represents. For example: an upright support is also another definition for the word standard; simple, yes, but very necessary to the church... "At my first answer no man stood with me, but all men forsook me: I pray God that it may not be laid to their charge. Notwithstanding the Lord stood with me, and strengthened me; that by me the preaching might be fully known, and that all the Gentiles might hear: and I was delivered out of the mouth of the lion. And the Lord shall deliver me from every evil work, and will preserve me unto His heavenly kingdom: to Whom be the glory for ever and ever. Amen." (2 Timothy 4:16-18)

Saturday, July 16, 2011

"The Standard" -3

"He brought me to the banqueting house, and His banner over me was love." (Song of Songs 2:4) Now I know that some of you might think that the 2nd and the 3rd definitions that I gave yesterday were much the same, and that is easy to gather; however they are not. The 2nd definition had to do with measurement, as to how God would judge that which is to compare to the standard that He has established; while the 3rd definition is something which goes far beyond just His comparable standards; but rather is His expression of Love: Something which is manifested by Him, and is excellent!!! It is given onto us regardless of our intent; yet the flip side of this is the second part of that definition, which is our response to His Great Love; or, that which is to be considered as the norm. I know that there are some that can not see this contrast, and that is well to be expected; because the love which God has expressed to us is greater than we can fathom. However, the response that we can muster in no way can compare; which is the reason for the plurality in that part of the definition, because it is that which is common. Modern dictionary definitions do not express this entirely, and some do not even try to associate anything close; however, the implication is there that someone grand has established something that can not be replicated, or at least is not likely to be repeated or outdone. In the interest of time, I must try and sum this up, and I will try to give it my best shot. To be brought into the banqueting house, is to be carried into a place where there is new wine; wine that has not been given out before or released to the public; much like at a vineyard, where you might be taken into a sampling room, and then given a taste of wine that is very special to the vintner, something no one else has ever tasted of. And, His banner over me is love, is His special way of sharing something with me that is so dear to His heart, that He has literally taken from Himself to share it with me!!! This is no ordinary Love...

Friday, July 15, 2011

"The Standard" -2

There is no word 'standard' within the writings of the New Testament, yet there are many words which are similar, all of which pertain to the three root meanings of the word. To be precise about something such as a word, sometimes we must dig really deep; and even then we can still get wrong answers. The first definition that I would look to is the one that is a sign; a banner or flag that represents something; much like every nation, state, or organization has a symbol that they put forth to represent who they are. In the Old Testament, God instructed the children of Israel in Numbers to erect a standard that would represent each tribe and then to pitch their tents around their specific standard. They would also use that standard as a banner in the formation by which they would march through the wilderness; each tribe marching in formation behind the banner which represented them. In the New Testament, Jesus gave several references to this definition of what standard means; the most favorite of mine is in John 3:14, where Jesus tells Nicodemus, "And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of man be lifted up". Now the standard for the medical industry is this symbol of the brass serpent wrapped around a staff and lifted up. The second definition of standard has to do with measurement, or to have something which is the authorized model by which a unit of measurement is made. In this example of what this word means, the standard given for the forgiveness of sin is something which works nicely. Many different levels of forgiveness are listed throughout the Bible, but the highest standard was set by Jesus Christ, as He shed His blood for our sins upon the cross. This was the Father's authorized model of a perfect sacrifice! Never to be repeated, but always to be looked to for the only standard of true forgiveness of sin. The third definition for the word standard is the one that causes strife in ourselves, families, friendships, and even the church; for it is the level of quality or excellence, and the level of quality accepted as norm. These are actually two separate definitions, but the second one is usually used in the plural; however, they both define the judgement of attainments. The reason that this particular standard causes strife amongst each other, is that we all expect certain levels of treatment from one another; a wife expects her husband to show her affection; a boss expects his employee to show him respect; each and everyone of us have a predetermined standard by which we judge how others treat us, or how we place the treatment that we receive by others. When we do not get that which we have expected to receive, then we can have the possibility of disliking the treatment given, and consequently disliking that person or persons. This definition is also the greatest one to put forth the Standard of our faith, because there is no other way by which a man can be saved than to accept God's Son; which is His level of quality or excellence!!!

Thursday, July 14, 2011

"The Standard"

God's Word: that is our standard; discounted by some as out of date, sexist, or something which was meant for another time when men literally walked the earth; yet to those that are His children, it is the Light that lights the way. When pressed against the ropes, we that depend upon His word for answers to hard questions, know how important God's word is for gravity. I say that with all sincerity; although, to be caught in a free-fall, many of us that have depended upon His word for a safety-net have discovered that just reading the printed words is not quite enough. There must be application of the Word into our lives for real gravity to take hold. How is application of God's word brought about? Bringing His word to life, that's how!!! Although, to bring God's word to life, we must be willing to accept everything that is written as the truth; meaning that we do not just pick the parts that we agree with and discard the rest. To put that another way, let's just say, that a real safety-net does not have a bunch of holes in it! In other words; all of Scripture is meant to be taken together as the truth, and all of it is relevant to our life. Not what everyone wants to hear, I am sure of that; but the truth of the matter is, that you can not have some without the other. Some of the biggest churches around are those that preach prosperity and warm fuzzy sermons, without really getting into those topics that can make men uneasy. Instead, they teach things which make people feel good about who they are, without touching upon the holiness of God, and the standard which must be reached. After all, who wants to sit through sermons about how unworthy they are, or how low they might be in comparison to a holy God? However, if you know what the standard is, and learn the resource of our ability to reach that standard, then you can feel good in knowing that it's not about what we must do, but about what He has done! I can't imagine any fluffy-feel-good sermon that can compare to that!! Because, at the end of the day, we all fall short of the Standard which has been established by God... "All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works." (2 Timothy 3:16 & 17)

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

"Pump Up The Volume"

Seriously, I have no clue why I picked this title, except for the tune that was playing in my head as I thought about Paul writing to Timothy about those things he had been instructed in from his youth. Those things that Timothy's grandmother would read to him from the Holy Scriptures when he was a child; things which back then were made vivid in his mind, as he sat there soaking in all the wonders of a miracle working God. Like many of us who had someone read to us as children about spectacular stories, I can only imagine how Timothy as a child would envision each and every word in his mind, as he would listen to his grandmother give accounts of the mighty God that she served. All to often we forget what a mighty God we serve; how He would never leave us, nor forsake us, even though we might forsake Him; how He loves us, even in our most despicable state; how He turns those things which might be meant to hurt us, into mighty acts of triumph. All to often we measure the stories of triumph against the doubts that we have grown accustom to, and the blindness of this world. It reminds me of the movie Hellboy 2, as the priest that adopted him would read tales of the Golden Army to him before he went to bed, and he would go to sleep with his toy gun in hand, to be prepared for the battle. There is something to be said for child like faith; faith that believes in the magic; faith that accepts the outrageous as the inevitable and true. How many times we have heard of great wonders written in the Scriptures, and then wondered how they could have really happen? Listening to the sermon, while shaking our heads yes in agreement, and at the same time doubting the truthfulness in our hearts. That is the reason we must pump up the volume; not to make what we hear louder, but to drown out all of noise of life as we know it. The life that we have settled into, or that has settled in around us. A picture paints a thousand words, and as we picture those things which are written within our minds, volumes of literary works are written in our hearts... "When I call to remembrance the unfeigned faith that is in thee, which dwelt first in the grandmother Lois, and thy mother Eunice; and I am persuaded that in thee also." "But continue thou in the things which thou hast learned and hast been assured of, knowing of whom thou hast learned them; and that from a child thou hast known the Holy Scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus." (2 Timothy 1:5 & 3:14 & 15)

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

"Soldier Up" -3

Finally; as a soldier who has been sanctified, we have been made equip for the battle; which also means that we are not just pushed out to war without the tools and the training required to defeat the enemy. However, as a good soldier who is trained for the battle knows he must depend upon those who fight along side him, so too must we count upon our brothers and sisters in Christ for support that they can offer in the heat of the battle. Again, something that many of us forget to consider as part of our fighting force. Not that we have not been instructed in such matters, but that we tend to not want to reach out for support when pressed in certain matters; especially those that hit closest to home (if you know what I mean). First off; we are trained, not by power or by might, but by God's Spirit; which for the purpose of the battle needs no prior training, but is well equip to fight any battle that the enemy might bring forth. Although, the problem that we face in light of this training has to do with yielding to the Holy Spirit at the times when we are battling ourselves. To be perfectly honest, this is the point at which we must be willing to yield the most, and failing to do so can cause that which is sanctified to become defiled. Secondly; those that are in the fight beside us are also equip with this same Spirit, which for the purpose of the battle, even our personal battles, can make the difference we might need to be triumphant in that which we might otherwise fail. Yes it is personal, this battle we might face; however, the Person is not us, but the body of Christ!!! Can we see that? I think that there are times when we can not! Because if we did, then there would be no strife among us. And it is not because we do not see the strife amongst each other, or know that there is need for a cure; but that we do not pursue that which is common in the midst of the strife. And what would that be? is what you might ask... JESUS!!! Who's soldier that we are... "Who hath saved us, and called us with a holy calling, not according to our works, but according to His own purpose and grace, which was given us in Christ Jesus before the world began;" (2 Timothy 1:9)

Monday, July 11, 2011

"Soldier Up" -2

Having possibly confused learned Bible readers, or even myself; not that I have said anything new, but mixing several different lives into one can be a little foreign; I must stress the need we have as a soldier to be committed to one cause. Much like Paul exposed how that "no man that warreth entangle himself with the affairs of this life", we that are new creatures in Christ should not coexist with our old man; unfortunately, that old man keeps hanging around. This is where 'purging of the old man' comes into play; and must be dealt with as if the old man is at enmity with the new man, and thus an enemy of God. Much like the unbelieving spouse will not want to be persuaded, so too, the old nature will fight to keep those things that keep it satisfied. Therefore, that old man must be considered dead, and any form of life that is still holding on, must to placed on the side of that which is contrary to the side of that which is holy. In this regard, my analogy will not work; but my intent was not to confuse the two separate worlds, but to illustrate how one force can influence the other. With that said, the main point I was trying to make was that of service, and how by serving the Lord in some form or fashion brings with that service the ability to be used for the express purpose of warring against that which is to be counted as dead. But you might ask, How can we, or even need we, to war against that which is dead? Well, in a perfect world that would not be the case; and in a perfect marriage, neither would there be any threat of being corrupted by your spouse; which is why we are instructed not to be unequally yoked. However, in the case where we are already married and then one of us gets saved, then it comes down to the believing spouse not leaving the unbelieving spouse with the hope that the other will be saved also. And without getting too far out there, let me say, that we were not born holy, but that we were born in sin; which means that the old nature, though dead in Christ, is very much alive in the memories of our mind, and thus still able to influence the new man we are in Christ. Therefore we are not to coexist with the old man, as with an unbelieving spouse; but rather, as a soldier in a foreign land that must ready himself for attack, knowing that the enemy of Him which he is serving, will use that which is familiar to distract him and cause him to drop his guard. Which brings me back to what being a servant does for the life of being sanctified, and how that we that are His workmanship must not be idle in our calling for which we are called; because, an idol soldier will stand a chance to become accustom to the familiarities of the foreign land... "Flee also youthful lusts: but follow righteousness, faith, charity (love), peace, with them that call on the Lord out of a pure heart. But foolish and unlearned questions avoid, knowing that they do gender strifes. And the servant of the Lord must not strive; but be gentle unto all men, apt to teach, patient; in meekness instructing those that oppose themselves; if God peradventure will give them repentance to the acknowledging of the truth; and that they may recover themselves out of the snare of the devil, who are taken captive by him at his will." (2 Timothy 2:22-26)

Sunday, July 10, 2011

"Soldier Up"

What does it really mean to be sanctified? Sadly, there are few of God's people that even know what it means to live a sanctified life, let alone know what it feels like. The word sanctified in the Greek is 'hagiazo' (hagiaso), and is from the word 'hagios' which means holy; thus, the meaning of the word for sanctified is to make holy. When spoken of a person, it means to be set apart and sent by Him for the performance of His will. Now, if you think about what this implies for the life of someone who is meant to be His workmanship, then you can only assume that we are meant to be either ambassadors or witnesses; which ever one that may be (or both), we are a soldier in His army; recruited for the service and the honor of all that is holy. So then, why would I say that there are few of God's people that know what this means for them, or do not know what it may feel like? Servitude; that is why! If you are a believer in Jesus Christ and you are not actively serving within the church, in some form or fashion, then you are not experiencing what it means to live a sanctified life. You might think that is a little harsh or judgemental? But, if you look at the example given of a marriage where one person is saved and the other is not, it says that the unbelieving spouse is sanctified by the believing spouse. The reason that this is possible is due to the fact that the unbeliever comes under a special and direct influence and benefits from divine favor in the life of the believer. However, taking this same principle and applying it to the relationship of our old nature and that of our new nature in Christ, the one who displays the most qualities of who he is, is the one who shall influence the other. The unbelieving spouse has a chance at getting saved as long as there is contact with the believing spouse, provided that the believing spouse is living a sanctified life! And if that believing spouse is not living a sanctified life, there is a chance that the unbelieving spouse will corrupt their faith in an effort to not be persuaded. When we that are called to be a soldier in the army of the Lord do not perform as a soldier should, then we are giving ground to our old nature, and even the enemies of God. I know, that seems rather cut and dry; and it should, because the whole idea of being sanctified has to do with being made holy; and just like is the case with the unbelieving spouse being sanctified by the believing spouse, the believer is not defiled by the unbeliever; which means, in the point I made above, that our new nature in Christ Jesus is not defiled by the old, as long as we soldier up... "Nevertheless the foundation of God standeth sure, having this seal, The Lord knoweth them that are His. And, Let every one that nameth the name of Christ Jesus depart from iniquity. But in a great house there are not only vessels of gold and of silver, but also of wood and of earth; and some to honour, and some to dishonour. If a man therefore purge himself from these, he shall be a vessel unto honour, sanctified, and meet for the Master's use, and prepared unto every good work." (2 Timothy 2:19-21)

Saturday, July 9, 2011

"The Power of God" -3

'Dunamis'; power, especially inherent power! All the Greek words that are derived from the stem duna- have the basic meaning of being able, capable. The power of God that is inherent, comes lent to the witnesses and ambassadors of Jesus Christ, and include such things a miracles and wonders; but also include great abilities. My ability to do something difficult in my life may not seem so difficult to someone else, but then again, when coupled with servitude and the love of God, even the smallest act of kindness can become a mighty wonder. I always wonder why we don't see so many miracles here in our country, at least not like during the time of the Apostles. I think it has to do with two main points that were taking place in that time; the persecution of the early church and the spreading of the Gospel. However, there is still one thing which we have in common with that power demonstrated during the early church, and that is the inherent ability to be sanctified. Oddly enough, many of God's people may not feel very sanctified in their lives, due to struggles with sin, or the inability to express the properties of what the word even means. I for one can attest to the lack of sanctification in my own life; wherein the cares of this world, or even the worries of being a business owner, can drown out those properties that should otherwise be present and visible in my daily life. If I had to put my finger on one specific point in my life that could rob me of my sanctification in Jesus Christ, I would have to again point to sin. Sin comes in all shapes and sizes; but the bottom line of what sin means, is falling short of what we should be, do, or have in our relationship with Jesus Christ. As a believer in Jesus Christ, we are chosen by Him to be His workmanship; something which requires an ability to be strong in one thing that is inherent in all believers of Jesus Christ: Grace: The Power to be!!! "Thou therefore, my son, be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus. And the things that thou hast heard of me among many witnesses, the same commit thou to faithful men, who shall be able to teach others also. Thou therefore endure hardness, as a good soldier of Jesus Christ. No man that warreth entangleth himself with the affairs of this life; that he may please Him who hath chosen him to be a soldier." (2 Timothy 2:1-4)

Friday, July 8, 2011

"The Power of God" -2

Okay, maybe I like to stir things up a little; but you have to admit, things need to be stirred up in our lives! For the most part, we that live here in the United States are spoiled when it comes to facing persecution, and have grown up in the Lord as children dependent upon our environment more than we are on Jesus. If you don't get that, it is okay, because you soon will! As for Paul, he was in the last trial of his life when he penned this letter; with only Luke still at his side, he had just been arrested again and sent back to Rome; but this time to be beheaded. This being his last chance to express encouragement, and in a time when things were not looking so good for himself, Paul uses this opportunity to share things from a heart of remembrance. What I mean by that, is that Paul was reflecting on his own personal conflicts, challenges, and weaknesses, as he expressed to Timothy, whom he looked upon as a son, how to be steadfast, bold, and courageous. Many believe that Paul had left Rome after spending much time there under house arrest and being acquitted of his charges; only to be rearrested later when Nero needed a chief scapegoat for the burning of Rome, which he started himself. Therefore, Paul was not returning to the same environment that he had left; and his days were numbered, and he knew it. So the second letter to Timothy was more like Paul's farewell address to his son; giving him the best advise that he felt he had to give; and doing so from the perspective as a servant who is about to be rewarded for his service. This type of emotion and expressions of the heart, many of us will never know; especially those of us who live in countries that do not persecute Christians. For us, our protector has long been the country that we live in; unfortunately, that is the case, because that is what we have grown accustom to. For those that do not have that luxury, or weakness, depending how you look at it, it is the power of God that is relied upon. I cannot imagine what that must be like, because I have not been forced to experience it; but this much I know, being dependent upon God's power for survival, courage, or even strength, must come from being dependent upon God; there is no other way!!! "Therefore I endure all things for the elect's sake, that they may also obtain the salvation which is in Christ Jesus with eternal glory. It is a faithful saying: For if we be dead with Him, we shall also live with Him: If we suffer, we shall also reign with Him: If we deny Him, He also will deny us: If we believe not, yet He abideth faithful: He cannot deny Himself." (2 Timothy 2:10-13)

Thursday, July 7, 2011

"The Power of God"

Not to be one who likes to stir up controversy, but I can see why some people who get saved are not on fire as much as others, and it has to do with a little thing called sin. No way!? Am I sure? I think I have it figured out; although, there might be some that are just ashamed of the testimony of Jesus Christ; however, I am thinking that the reason they are ashamed is due to not surrendering fully to God's awesome power to save. The book of 2 Timothy is believed to be the last letter the Paul wrote, and it is one that expresses not only hope to carry on in the fight, but it brings the power of God into down to earth practices; in other words, it expresses the simple ways to show forth the power of God in our lives. Common things that would seem as though they are not that important, can become mighty things in the eyes of those for which they are intended. The reason that sin is the main reason for holding us back from letting go for God is because we have not experienced the power of God completely in our lives. Okay; I know that I am not a judge (yet), but you must realize something about God's power to save, and that it is power to not only save us from our sins, but power to deliver us from the bondage of sin. However; in order to know the power that is able to deliver us from that which is otherwise still part of our lives, we must be willing to part with it, once and for all! So how does this cause us to be ashamed of the testimony of Jesus Christ? Well, from a practical standpoint, it is cause in effect; in other words, our testimony is to be based upon personal experience; that the one who is expressing the power of God to save, bases what he says on his own direct knowledge coincident with reality, and the Gospel is shared as a narrative of actual and practical truth, and a declaration of facts. So then; if you have not fully experienced God's power to deliver you from your sins, or the bondage of sin, then how can you with all honesty, and without being ashamed, give testimony of the power of God to save? And, having the chance to fully experience the power of God in our lives, creates in us the courage to face anything; why? Because it becomes REAL!!! "For which cause I also suffer these things: nevertheless I am not ashamed; for I know whom I have believed, and am persuaded that He is able to keep that which I have committed unto Him against that day." (2 Timothy 1:12)

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

"Being Set Free Indeed"

I know that I might sound like I am repeating myself, over and over; but the measure of what we are in Christ is based upon how much of what we have been given that we accept. Does that mean we are all not given the same opportunities to be used by God? Yes and No. No, because with God there is no respecter of persons, and yes, because God will use some more than others. However, the thing that I see happening involves a person accepting the freedom that he has been given, and then celebrating that liberty to the fullest degree. It's not that that person might have been given more liberty than someone else; the real reason that they are used by God more than some others, is that they have accepted more liberty to be used. Right about now you might be thinking that I don't know what I am talking about; accepting more liberty? How is that possible? It is kind of like when someone comes to this country to accept the freedoms that we once cherished; they come expecting to be given freedom to be all that they can be; and many of them are successful at achieving more than those that were born into this freedom, why? Because they are celebrating the freedom that they have been given; which adds a certain energy to the process of achievement. It is not that they have more freedom than others; and the reality might be that they actually have less than those that have been born here; but what freedoms that they have been given, they use them to their fullest degree. I believe that this is much the same for those that serve in ministry because they are set free; not those that serve in ministry to be in ministry, because they are motivated by another purpose; but those that serve because they are celebrating the freedom that they have been given, and want to see others set free also; why? Why would seeing others set free also be so important? Because it adds to the celebration!!! "For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. Be not thou therefore ashamed of the testimony of our Lord, nor of me his prisoner: but be thou partaker of the afflictions of the gospel according to the power of God: Who hath saved us, and called us with a holy calling, not according to our works, but according to His own purpose and grace, which was given us in Christ Jesus before the world began; but is now made manifest by the appearing of our Saviour Jesus Christ, who hath abolished death, and hath brought life and immortality to light through the gospel: whereunto I am appointed a preacher, and an apostle, and a teacher of the Gentiles." (2 Timothy 1:7-11)

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

"Being Set Free"

When is the freedom realized? Do you know that you are free? These two questions are similar, yet they are also worlds apart. To understand what I am getting at you must be born again and have been set free from the bondage of sin; otherwise that which is realized by being set free can not be understood. And, to know that you are free can only come from the filling of the Holy Spirit, which not only confirms your freedom, but stabilizes your heart and mind to that which is so very foreign to your usual way of thinking. It's not that we are not able to comprehend the freedom that we have been given, because we can, and we must; but the real struggle that we have is living out this freedom while in a world that is still in bondage. Here is where realizing the freedom that we have in Jesus Christ must be accomplished within our hearts and minds. It is not something that we can let alone for that time when we are to be judged, knowing that we have been set free from the condemnation of sin; but it is vital for our testimony now to not only know that we have been set free, but to realize that freedom, and to live it out in our lives. Okay, I can feel a sense of questioning what I am getting at, and must adjust my direction. Here is the deal: as a born again believer in Jesus Christ, we are no longer on this world and it's damnation; it is dying and is doomed for destruction, yet we have been set free from that which is it's fate. Now then; because we have been given a new dwelling place, not of this earth, yet we continue to currently inhabit this earth, we are required to express the freedom that we have been given. This is not always easy to do; however, the Holy Spirit stabilizes that ability within us, to give us the ability to continue to express this freedom in times which we might not otherwise be able to do that on our own. On the one hand we know that we have been set free, and can sense the freedom being given, and the burden of sin has been removed; yet we struggle daily to realize that freedom which we have been given, because we are still part of this dying world. However, this is where we must put that freedom which we live into life; because we are not of this world, but also still in this world, then it is only logical to assume that we have a purpose for being here; otherwise, we would be taken up into heaven as soon as we accepted Jesus Christ into our hearts! "I am the door: by Me if any man enter in, he shall be saved, and shall go in and out, and find pasture." (John 10:9)

Monday, July 4, 2011

"The Veil That Was Torn In Two"

"Brethren, my heart's desire and prayer to God for Israel is, that they might be saved. For I bear them record that they have a zeal of God, but not according to knowledge. For they being ignorant of God's righteousness, and going about to establish their own righteousness, have not submitted themselves unto the righteousness of God. For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to every one that believeth." (Romans 10:1-4) As you may have gathered, I was not very long yesterday, mostly because I was tired and worn out from a long day's journey. But, I still needed to express something that was in my heart; and that was how we can let God's law, or the law, get in between our fellowship with God; and consequently, between our ability to know the liberty that we have in Jesus Christ. Paul's statement above, taken from Romans ten, is to express his hope for his fellow countrymen; although he is writing to Rome, he starts out in chapter nine describing the people of Israel and their difficulty in accepting the salvation that has been given them. Much the same difficulty can take place in our own hearts, especially if we have been raised in a family that believed in the Ten Commandments as the law of God, but did not express the righteousness of God, which is only available through Jesus Christ. How can that which is not holy have fellowship with that which is holy? There is only One Way; Jesus Christ and the justification that comes through faith in Him and what He has done. This is only made possible through knowledge of the truth; something which must be given to someone by the Holy Spirit. There is another veil that can come between us and fellowship with God, and it involves those things which we think that we know, but they have made us blind to the truth. Not that we just need to open our eyes in order to see them, but that we are blind and must be given sight to see them; something that can only happen through the power of God, just as Jesus, while He was here gave sight to the blind, so must we be given sight to see the truth. That is what our weapons are for this war that we are in: prayer and knowledge of the truth! To be able to pray for those that need sight to see the truth, and to know what it looks like when they have received it... "If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed." (John 8:36)

Sunday, July 3, 2011

"The Veil That Was Torn"

We must understand something about God's love, and what it was that makes the veil of the temple being torn so meaningful for our ability to fellowship with Him; and not only for the chance that we have for fellowship, but also for those that are not yet His children. It is this special thing that was performed by Jesus Christ on the cross, which was demonstrated visually by the veil in the temple being torn in half; a miracle all in of itself, and something that many must have marveled over. How can that which is not holy have fellowship with that which is holy? I always set in the back at church, and it is not to be close to the door; but to pray for someone that God puts upon my heart to pray for. Someone who I do not know, but that looks out of place, or uncomfortable being in that building. I pray for the pastor also; but in this case, I pray for the message to be delivered, and for the Holy Spirit to soften the heart of whom ever I am praying for. Time and time again, I see the work of God come to life; the alter call is given, and up goes their hand, or up they go to the front of the church. Prayer matters; it matters for us, and it matters for those that might be lost. We must be willing, determined, and steadfast in prayer for the lost; willing to take their case to heart; determined to love what they might become; and steadfast to see it happen!

Saturday, July 2, 2011

"Pressing On Into War" -2

Just in case you were not aware, ours is a forward motion! Continually pressing forward, not into, as to war with the evil that is in this world; although there are many which call themselves God's children that do. Let me try and clarify something right now: if you see it, it is not our war! Having said that, I must also mention that what we actually see may be the result of that which is meant to be our war; those things which are close to our personal lives. But the battle will not be won on this level, and we will not be able to change lives without the work of the Holy Spirit. That is because the war we are waging is a spiritual battle; which requires spiritual attack, and something that is often left out of the equation: God's love! Why is it that we think we need to check God's love at the door when we are waging war? As I was praying about this today, I was reminded how Jesus was only angry at those that pretended to belong to God but did not. Even those that were demon possessed, He would love them, as He would cast the demons out of them; oddly enough, He was also kinda gentle in spirit to the actual demon, or demons, as the case may have been. But those that were masquerading as servants of God, He was not kind to them, and would call them for what they were, vipers; wolves in sheep's clothing; children of the devil; names that put them in their place, and that did not express any love for who they were. Not that we should take on that role, and start calling out Believers whom we think are not who they say they are; but my point was to show the love Jesus had for all the others. Jesus knew the hearts of men, we do not; there is the difference that we have in calling out those that are not His, even thou they claim to be. However, loving those that are lost, mislead, or trapped in sin; even those that are demon possessed, requires our hearts to be grounded in God's love. I must go back to something that I said before: God's love is what brings us the ability to love! And without God's love we are not His children!!! Because nothing, absolutely nothing, has the power to save, as God's love... "For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whomsoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life." (John 3:16)

Friday, July 1, 2011

"Pressing On Into War"

Having said that, I am reminded that there is a battle that must be waged; one that requires our attention to the world around us. Not that we are waging war against the world, but that the world is waging war against us; breaking us down and causing us to take our eyes off of the prize; this is what the enemy does! It is hard not to care about those things that are taking place on this earth; things which fly in the face of all that is holy; things which keep us aware of the evil that is waging war against us. Thinking back to the time when John wrote his writings, we can see that things have not really changed all that much; they have only grown more sudden. In his day, many days would pass between what would happen and the news of those ordeals; in ours, we only need to turn on our news channels, or open up to our favorite news site on the Internet to see the battle wage. Is it any wonder that the church is not more in tune with the real battle that is taking place; one that is not for land or money, but that is for the hearts and minds of those that are not focused on the real battlefield. Oh, this is war alright, but not the war that some might think. It is war against our children and those that are not yet written in the Lamb's Book of Life. And what are the weapons that the enemy has at his disposal; weapons that he will use to his advantage that should not be his part of his arsenal? The church!!! Christians that waiver in their belief; children of God who do not love as God's child; Christians that do not love God with all their heart, mind, soul, and strength! Those are the weapons that we give him to use against us, the church, and ultimately against all those who do not know the truth. It is not just a matter of who is right and who is wrong; it is a matter of who is living as though it really matters! And because this war is so real, we must press towards that which is right; not giving into pride and selfishness. Selfishness that lives for today and the cares of this life; but rather, we must have a life that is living for tomorrow, and that which is to come. As for the battlefield, it is not what we see, because what we see happening in this world is only the result of what is going on in the real battlefield; our battlefield is a spiritual arena, one which is actually not visible in the eyes of the world; yet! I say yet, because I believe that they will see, and they will know who's side they are really on. Just as that vision of riding down from heaven was not to do battle, but to show forth glory like they have never seen; and will most likely be the only glory that some will ever see, except for at judgement day; however, I am not convinced that those who's name is not written in the Lamb's Book of Life will be able to see the Great White Throne and Him who sets upon it... "And I saw a Great White Throne, and Him that sat on it, from Whose face the earth and heaven fled away; and there was found no place for them." (Revelation 20:11)