Sunday, October 3, 2010


I do not know this song, nor is it one that I am very familiar with, but this morning as I was praying, my mind started playing this portion in my head: 'Who do you love, who do you love, who do you love...' I think that is pretty much what it all comes down to; after all, it is the First and Most Important Commandment which we are to obey: 'To Love the Lord with all of our heart, mind, soul, and strength'. However, this is the really strange part about keeping this commandment: it is just like the love of a wife towards her husband, in that it is a 'reverence' type of love, which when actually manifested causes submission and continuity. This was the point Jesus was trying to make, on several different occasions; that if you keep His commandments, then you shall never be in darkness, or lost, or in bondage, or separated from Him. So then, are we again talking about having to do something ourselves to be counted worthy? If you choose to look at it that way, then you have missed the point, because it is not a 'must do' love that we have for God. It is the love of God that has been poured out to us, and now our love towards Him is now a 'can do' kind of a love, because now we are filled with the Love of God. So, the effort to Love has actually been done by the Father to His children, and His children just need to be submerged in His Love; which, actually they are by association anyways, but they just need to rest in it. I really don't know any better way to say it; because we cannot love God the way that He loves us; which means, that the magnitude of the Love of God, is something which we can sense, but it is not something we can copy. Instead, as we are made One with God, we are also One with His Love, because God is Love; so our ability to love God, is actually a response to the Love which we have been given; in fact, it is actually powered by the Love of God which has been placed within our hearts. I guess what I am trying to say here, is that, we have the Love of God in us, which then enables us to Love God back; which is how we know that we are of God, because we are able to Love Him more than we love ourselves. And, if we Love God more than we love ourselves, then we will not fail to be His children; we might fall here or there, but He will be right there to pick us up, and comfort us with His Love. So really: Does that sound like we must work out love? No, I don't that it does!!! I think it is more like we get to be Loved; which means, we get to rest in the Love of God, and to grow in Grace, while being comforted by His Love; so where is the work in that? "He that saith, I know Him, and keepeth not His commandments, is a liar, and the Truth is not in him. But whoso keepeth His Word, in him verily is the Love of God perfected: hereby know we that we are in Him." (1 John 2:4 & 5)

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