Sunday, October 31, 2010

"Be Prepared"

It really does not matter if we are talking about a several hours or decades, the bottom line is, are you ready to go? Right now, today, if the Lord called you home, are you ready to go? Is your house in order? We do not all get warning that it is our time, so we must be prepared to be with the Lord, at all times! I am believing more and more that the best way to be prepared is to be there already. I know, some of you might be wondering what that actually means; and then again, some know what I am talking about. Much like the thief on the cross, who did not really have a choice as to whether or not he would go back to his old ways, we must also eliminate that choice; and one way to do that, is by our hearts already being set in Heaven. Do you see yourself there? Can you picture yourself standing before the Throne and worshiping the God who made you? Yes, No, maybe so? What I believe Paul was meaning to say in Colossians 3:1-4, is that we must set our minds on the things of Heaven to such a degree that it becomes a passion to be there; where our affection is set on those things that are waiting for us there. Really, let me ask you a very serious question: How can you long for something that you can not imagine? If you are not thinking of it, and dwelling upon it, then how do you long for it? If you have ever been separated from a love one, or from home, then you would know that the easiest way to help relieve the longing for that person or home is to not think about them or it. The longer you do not think about what you are longing for, the easier it is to forget about those things and to get comfortable in the place where you are at. I am more than certain that the thief on the cross had nothing else on his mind but being with the Lord in Paradise; and dwelling on that fact, helped him to be relieved of the suffering he must have felt on the cross. Just like it is for us, as we dwell upon the place that we will be, our suffering here is made less tangible and real; in other words, the more real we make Heaven, the less of an impact this world will have on us! "When Christ, who is our life, shall appear, then shall ye also appear with Him in Glory." (Colossians 3:4)


  1. You were absolutely right, I'm blown away by how much your words mean to what our family has gone through today. I love you.

  2. I love you Uncle Richard. I you are doing okay. Call me tomorrow after school or I'll call you. We never imagine things like this would occur so we don't prepare. I'm devastated. I had no clue this would happen to anyone soon. Call me or I'll call you about 3 or 3:30. I love you soooo much.
    - love Laura
