Friday, October 15, 2010

"The Right Perspective"

Just so you do not think that I am making some new way of thinking up, or that I have some kind of new revelation, I do not; but rather, what I have been saying is really old school stuff, that for the most part has been forgotten. Did I say that the Holy Spirit does not give us power over sin? No, I did not; because He does give us power over sin, when we are walking in the Spirit! That is the key element to the Power of the Holy Spirit: we must be walking in the Spirit for the Holy Spirit to be effective to us for the deliverance from the power of sin. When we are walking in the Spirit, the sin that surrounds us has no chance of penetrating the Light within us; however, it is when we are walking in the flesh, that we find ourselves overcome by sin. What I am saying, is that the flesh is only defeated by the Word of God, because it has been defeated already by the Word of God; therefore, it is the Word of God that holds it down in the grave where it belongs. This is no new concept, or doctrine, or precept; but rather the most common thing which was held in common by all that believed in the Saving Grace of God, both before Jesus came, and after He ascended up into Heaven: His Word sets us free from the flesh, the things of the flesh, and the desires of the flesh. Jesus died once, and one time only; and in that one death on the cross was all sin defeated, once and for all. Now it is our responsibility to accept His death on the cross as the final nail in the coffin of the death to our flesh; which is what we fail to do when we are walking in the flesh and satisfying the desires of thereof. Am I saying that reading and pressing His Word into us will push the old man out? No, I am not. What I said, and will say again: is that we must surrender 'ALL' to Him; there must be a fresh cleansing, if you will, that is where we give Him our all. Then, and only then, can we begin to have victory over sin; but we cannot hold anything back from Him: Any Thing!!! This is where we seem to get into trouble, because there is always some little thing that we think is no big deal; however, we forget one very important thing: that little thing is still connected to the flesh! Then, once we have this fresh beginning (again and again if need be) we press forward by walking in the Spirit and by being saturated in His Word; especially the Word that helps us to be reminded of the victory we have in Him. And we must continue to fill our minds with the Word of God; not allowing room for those things of the old man to be brought back in!!! But, what do I know; I am just some Nut posting stuff on a blog everyday; besides, you should not take my word for nothing; only His Words count! "And I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse; and He that sat upon him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness He doth judge and make war. His eyes were as a flame of fire, and on His head were many crowns; and He had a Name Written, that no man knew, but He Himself. And He was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood; and His Name is called The Word of God." (Revelation 19:11-13)

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