Tuesday, October 5, 2010

"Living Out The Love Of God - Again"

Do you remember what you have been taught to do when you are on fire? Wasn't it 'Stop, Drop, and Roll'? That is kind of like the principle of what we must know to get right with God; except the thing we must do, is to 'Stop, Drop, And Pray'! If you are a brother or sister who finds yourself feeling as though you are living outside of God's Grace, then Stop, Drop and Pray; and if that does not work, then Stop, Drop and Pray again, and again, and again. And if you are having such a difficult time overcoming the desires of the flesh, and just can't put that fire out, then you might need to call '911'; which means that you need to confide in your brothers and sisters for help. This is something which many fail to do, and because they don't, they just take on their problems alone; which can cause them to feel as if they are alone; which is not a good place to be, because we are One Body in Jesus Christ. As I have said before, this simple call out for help, is the thing which causes a lot of those that are in leadership, especially pastors, to fall and to wind up disgraced. The reason that is so, is because of pride mostly, but also because they feel that they are beyond the need for the help of their brothers and sisters; in other words, that the state they are in, or have become, is way beyond what will be accepted as normal sin, or stumbling. Well, first off, sin is sin; and the mercy of God is greater than any sin which we are guilty of; and secondly, we are men and women of like passions; which, if you remember what Jesus said, 'If you have had it in your heart, then you have done it'; so really, we all sin and are in need of God's Mercy, always. There is consequences for our sin, which is another reason that many will not confide in others; because they feel that when they do, the cat will be let out of the bag, and then they will suffer the consequences. This is really sad, because the only bag involved with sin, is the one which holds our 'old sins' at the bottom of the ocean; the sins that we are living in are not held in anything but ourselves; and they are definitely not hid from God. Herein is the mystery of God's Amazing Grace: He Restores Our Souls!!! Those that have not received God's Grace, are those that have not accepted to trust in Him; no matter what the consequences might be, they must Trust God to be Just: Because, "The Just shall live by Faith"!!! The real knowledge of the Love of God comes from believing with all of our hearts that He loves us; and at all times, we really need to make that personal, and know: God Loves Me! Do you believe that? Then live it out, even if it means that you must deal with some things; you must believe that He loves you, and has only the very best for you in mind. To truly live out the Love of God, we must trust that He is God, cares for us, and that nothing can separate us from His Love; absolutely nothing!!! "Likewise reckon ye also yourselves to be dead indeed unto sin, but alive unto God through Jesus Christ our Lord. Let not sin therefore reign in your mortal body, that ye should obey it in the lusts thereof. Neither yield ye your members as instruments of unrighteousness unto sin: but yield yourselves unto God, as those that are alive from the dead, and your members as instruments of righteousness unto God. For sin shall not have dominion over you: for you are not under the law, but under Grace." (Romans 6:11-14)

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