Thursday, October 28, 2010

"Made Perfect in One"

Maybe the easiest way to make a bad situation better is to have a plan to make it all good; at least that is how it is with me. If I know that things are going to work out just fine, and I am working a plan which I know is going to work, then, the bad things that happen seem to just roll off and are taken in stride as I press forward. This, of course, is a very rare situation for anyone to experience, because we do not know what tomorrow brings; nor can we have the perfect plan for much of anything. But God (I Love That!); 'But God', has a Perfect Plan, and His plan, which was set in motion since the foundation of the world, is based upon His eternal knowledge; which means that it can not fail. Given that He knows what He knows, and the fact that we have been chosen, don't you think that we have a reason to rejoice? I mean really; things will work out in the end; which is why we are to 'Count It All Joy', and press forward; waiting and longing for that Glorious Day when we will all be in the presence of the Lord. As you read what Jesus was praying the night He was arrested, in John 17, you can see that He was reflecting upon the Oneness He has always had in the Father; and that He could also see the Oneness we would be able to share with Him. It was this knowledge of being made perfect in One that drove His passion for the cross, because Jesus shared in the eternal perspective of the Father. And what the Father knew, was that His greatest creation, man, had a special quality, which was also his flaw, and that was man's free will. So, in the perfect plan that God established, man's free will is what is used for his own redemption. In other words; we must make a choice to accept His 'Free Gift' of eternal life; and in making that choice, we too can share in His eternal perspective! "Father, I will that they also, whom thou hast given Me, be with Me where I am; that they may behold My Glory, which Thou hast given Me: for Thou lovedst Me before the foundation on the world." (John 17:24)

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