Wednesday, October 27, 2010


Strange title, isn't it? But as I was praying this morning, I had the strangest thought come into my mind: "You don't really know what you have until it's gone". This brought me back to the days in the hospital with my wife, as I would just sit there day after day wishing for the days of the past. And then last night, I had the strangest dream, that me and my wife were setting out on a beautiful bike ride together. Then I started to ponder the relationship between the dream of last night and the thought of this morning, and what these could even begin to have to common with 'The Love Of God'; thus the reason for the title: 'ONE'. This is what the Lord was showing me this morning, that all that really matters to Him is that we are all made One in Him. Which for Him to make happen required a major transformation to occur, because He is Holy, and because He is Holy, He can not associate Himself with evil; therefore, as to not lower His standards (which He could not do anyways), He made a way for fallen man to be transformed into His Image, which is the Image of His Son, which is Holy. I know that you are wondering why I would say this has anything to do with the thought of this morning, but you must know something pretty spectacular about God; He knows 'all', and because He does know all, He can see into eternity; which means, that He could see the separation of man from Himself because of sin. However, He made a way to redeem man back to Himself, even before man had a chance to fall; which, in doing so, He made His creation complete! "I in them, and them in Me, that they may be made perfect in One; and that the world may know that Thou hast sent Me, and hast loved them, as Thou hast loved Me." (John 17:23)

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