Saturday, October 2, 2010

"Grace Lives Out Mercy" -101

I have to begin with an apology for yesterday; I had no resources, and needed to say a lot, but could only say little. It's a new day, and I have much to say! First things First; we have to know our enemy well enough to know his tactics; and his greatest asset that he has is lies. He is really good at twisting Scriptures, making emotions play into logic, bringing our struggles against the realities of our freedoms, causing doubt in the hearts of God's believers, causing brothers to think ill of brothers; the list could go on and on; but the main thing that he wants to do is to separate us from the Father, which he was successful at doing in the Garden. Now what he wants to focus on, is to try and prevent us from being reunited with the Father; but with this issue, he has failed, and he knows it. So, what he must do now, is try and persuade us, with lies, that we cannot, are not, or even that we might not be able, based upon ourselves, to be reunited with the Father. The real tricky issue in this is the 'based upon ourselves', because it is not based upon ourselves. That is the point of God's Mercy towards us, because He knows our frame, and He knows that we are destined to fail; therefore, He has made a Way for us to be made right with Him, that is not based upon us; but instead is based upon His Son Jesus Christ. That 'old man' which you need to crucify, has already been crucified with Jesus on the cross; but we still must count it as so, and believe that it has been counted as so with the Father. There are two issues here that must be settled in our hearts: we must believe that we have been made right with the Father, and we must believe that we have been set free from the bondage of sin. Both of these are based upon the Faith which we place in the 'Finished Work' of Jesus Christ on the cross. In other words, neither one is based upon anything that we have done, or anything that we are told we must do; but is based upon Jesus Christ's doing, and His doing only. Now, what Grace does, is to take us into our journey towards the Father; which is the 'New Life' that we have been given in Christ. In other words; Mercy has set us free, and then Grace gives us movement towards the Father; both of which are provided to us, and not based upon anything else but our believing that they are given. The trick of the enemy is such, that many will believe the lies which say things like, you must also do this, or you are not worthy, or you cannot be set free from yourself; all of which are lies to try and keep us separated from our Father. Okay then, but what about the brothers and sisters that appear to be lost, and have 'fallen'; have they been lost? This I believe is also a deception of the enemy; that we would even focus upon those things which are considered to be contrary to the gospel, which is Good News; by making our hearts be turned towards bad news of others. That is how the enemy works out the magic of his lies; by making our thoughts towards the fate of others, become our thoughts about ourselves; and before you know it, we are full of doubt about the 'Finished Work' of Jesus Christ. WE ARE ONLY SAVED ONCE!!! " Brethren, if a man be overtaken in a fault, ye which are spiritual restore such a one in the spirit of meekness; considering thyself, lest thou also be tempted. Bear ye one another's burdens, and so fulfil the law of Christ. For if a man think of himself to be something, when he is nothing, he deceiveth himself. But let every man prove his own work, and then shall he have rejoicing in himself alone, and not in another. For every man shall bear his own burden. Let him that is taught in the word communicate unto him that teacheth in all Good Things." (Galatians 6:1-6)

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