Monday, October 18, 2010

"The Expressed Word Of God"

I know that those of us who have been walking in the Lord for quite a while, know and have known that Jesus is God; at least I would hope that this fact is settled in our hearts; but, you would be surprised by the amount of 'Bible Believing Christians' that do not express this knowledge with confidence. It is as if they have a little hiccup in their confession of who Jesus was, and is, and always will be. He is God! But, you see, the problem that most people have with saying this boldly, is that 'God' means that He was not made; and then there is the whole 'baby in the manger' picture that everyone puts into their belief of how Jesus originated. Well, I like the 'baby in the manger' picture; because He covered all the bases when He came and dwelt among us. I for one, do not buy into the notion that Gabriel came and planted God's seed in Mary, or that God the Father showed up at Mary's door late one night; nor do I even think that the Holy Spirit showed up and did the deed; no, no, and no. What I believe, and have come to understand, is that All Three of the Godhead were present at the conception of our Lord. When you read the account of the who, and the how, you can see that there was a proclamation given by Gabriel as to the how and the who. In Luke 1:34, Mary asked: "How shall this be, seeing I know not a man?" And in verse 35, Gabriel tells of the details: "The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee, and the Power of the Highest shall overshadow thee: therefore also that Holy Thing which shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of God". Where was the Third? The seed that was planted in her womb was the Word of God; Him being the Third one present. If you really think about it, the Word of God never even changed from before conception, till after conception, though the birthing process, in the manger, or all the way to the cross; there was never a period of time, since the beginning of time, that Jesus had ever been separated from the Father; until the moment He took on the sins of the world on the cross. You know what is really sad, is that there are many so called Christians today, that not only find it hard to believe that Jesus is God, but also do not believe in the 'Virgin Birth' of our Lord and Saviour. Look it up, and see for yourself the percentage of those that call themselves Christians, and yet say that they cannot receive that simple truth, because it just can not be; it's impossible, they say. Well, I say that Gabriel had a 'Word' for those that believe that: "For with God nothing shall be impossible." (Luke 1:37)

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