Monday, October 4, 2010

"Living Out The Love Of God"

If I had to place my finger upon one specific thing, I would say that the Love of God is the primary motivation to keep us from falling, because once you know His Love, you are in His Love and His Love is in you. Okay, maybe you think that sounds a little corny; but let me tell you why this is so important to me. Because I know He loves me, I can rest in His Love, which then allows me to feel the comfort of His Love, as well as to know what His Love feels like; which in turn, produces a likeness of His Love within me. It is this 'likeness' that keeps me from falling, because the love which is produced within me, is in fellowship with God, and the things of God; and as long as I am in fellowship with His Love, I am so captivated by it, that those things which would usually cause me to stumble, are less likely to be of interest to me anymore. However, the thing that brings outside of the Love of God, is the flesh; which, if you remember, it has been crucified with Christ; so why is it even an issue? Because we are still within it, and it still has breath; however, it is only to be reckoned as a vessel to carry us through; a house, if you will, that just holds us within it until we are gone from this earth. But the 'old man' of that house has been crucified with Christ; and now the 'New Man' which is within, is of God, and has new things to live for. The problem comes from the desire to bring the 'old man' back to life, and to experience again the fulfillment of the flesh; which is really, really sad, because herein lies the dirty little secret: you can not satisfy the flesh! The flesh will always want more and more; so the little dabble, turns into a big sin, which then the sin turns into a fall. Now then; at this point you might be wondering about the Grace of God, and when someone has either not received it, or has stepped outside of it. This is something which I believe is a mystery about God's Grace; because we do not control His Grace, He does; the only thing that we can do, is to receive it, or reject it; but God controls the how's, and the why's of it. In other words; we are only able to accept God's free gift by Faith; which is not based upon anything we did, do, or will do. Okay then; so what about the did, do, or will do's of the flesh? Herein is the mystery; but it is only a mystery to others, not between you and the Lord; because 'we know these things', when we really know God's Love. And when we really know God's Love, then we know, that when we sin, it is because we have chosen to; and to return to Him, we must make that choice also; because, we know the Love of God is greater than any sin, we also know that He is faithful to receive us back; which is based upon His Mercy, which has never really left!!!!!!!! "If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness." (1 John 1:9) Memorize it!

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