Sunday, October 17, 2010

"Think Bigger - Still"

Prepare to be surprised! "And The Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld His Glory, the Glory as of the Only Begotten of the Father, ) full of Grace and Truth.) (John 1:14) 'Ho Logos'; meaning 'The Word', the Second Person of the Godhead who is the eternal expression of the Divine Intelligence and the disclosure of the Divine Essence. This self-revealing characteristic of God was directed toward, and utterly achieved for mankind in the incarnation. Our natural tendency is to picture Jesus Christ as the man that dwelt among us; to see Him on the cross, or performing miracles. It is not our 'natural man's' tendency to picture Jesus Christ as 'ho Logos', 'The Word' of God; why? Because the 'natural man' cannot see Him as such. However, the 'eternal expression of Divine Intelligence' is exactly was it is; and as man delves deeper into His creation, he discovers more and more how His Intelligence is Divine. With such awestruck attention to detail, God has created the smallest, and even short lived thing; yet, there are those that cannot see Him in His creation; why? Because they choose not to acknowledge Him as God. If God were to place such detail in even the smallest of His creation, would there be any reason that He would not care for us? This was the reason Jesus is the 'disclosure of the Divine Essence' of God; that every detail of man's redemption would be fulfilled, and that there would be no excuse for denial of who God is, or how much He loves us. As we gaze into the heavens, or dive into the depths of the sea, one can only wonder what kind of 'Divine Intelligence' could create such spectacular life; and yet, the deeper we probe into our own existence, the more baffled we are by that Intelligence. There is a difference in believing in God and in believing in His 'Expressed Word'; for in Him that was Expressed is Life; All Life! "No man has seen God at any time; the Only Begotten Son, which is in the bosom of the Father, He hath declared Him." (John 1:18)

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