Saturday, October 23, 2010

"Liberty is Knowing God's Love"

"Christ is become no effect unto you, whosoever of you are justified by the law: ye are fallen from grace." (Galatians 5:4) Is there anything that can keep us from Knowing the Love of God? You bet there is! And Paul is trying so desperately to spell it out! In the verse above, the word 'law' (nomo) has no definite article which comes before it; therefore, it has a more broad meaning than just the Law of Moses, but can also mean any law. Your presumed justification depends, Paul says, on keeping a particular law or set of rules, and you are justified by and before that law. But this does not mean that you are justified before God, because His justification requires the standard set by Him in and through Jesus Christ. There is no room for God's Grace in our hearts if we are justified by any set of rules, or laws; the two are not compatible! The second part of this verse that speaks of "fallen from grace", does not speak about loosing our grace, or even falling from grace, as if we had grace and then lost it; but it speaks more to the falling off the path of Grace. In other words, because you have chosen the path of being justified by law instead of by Grace, you have taken the wrong path. The two steps, justification in and through the law and justification in and through Grace, are two parallel lines that never meet; it is one or the other; and to be justified by both the law and Grace are impossible. Grace has a law entitled to it, but the law has no grace; so, what Paul is saying, is that you could not be justified by grace since you sought your justification in or through the law or set of rules. Now, what we should ask ourselves at this point, is: What about the 'commands' that Jesus speaks of keeping? Maybe we should ask ourselves another question, while we are pondering the first; and that is whether or not 'Love' is a law? Because the way I see it, Love is an expression; which is what God has expressed to us in and through His Son Jesus Christ; which is also what is expressed in us that Know Jesus Christ and God's Love; and is also expressed back to God through us, not as a law which must be followed, but rather as a law unto it's self; much like the law of gravity... Stay on the right path!!! "For we through the Spirit wait for the hope of righteousness by faith." (Galatians 5:5)

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