Tuesday, October 12, 2010

"A New Way Of Thinking" - 2

"Wherewithal shall a young man cleanse his way? By taking heed thereto according to Thy Word. With my 'whole' heart have I sought Thee: O let me not 'wander' from Thy commandments Thy Word have I 'hid' in mine heart, that I might not sin against Thee." (Psalm 119:9-11) This is no new thing that I am talking about here, but it has been known and practiced for quite some time. The 'new way of thinking' is what must take place in us; where we stop the habits of our minds, in which dwell on things contrary to godliness; and, instead dwell on God's Word. I know that you know this already, I know, and have known it also; yet we can find ourselves wandering away, and getting to a place where we are no longer doing those things which we ought to be doing. I truly believe that we must go beyond just meditating on God's Word, and that we should memorize it; in other words, we should 'store' His Word into our minds. I know that for myself, I have years and years of vile and wicked things which have been burned into my memories; these things must not come forth! So, in an effort to stop them from doing so, I must smother them with the Word of God; which means that I must place God's Word into my mind, and the only way that I know for that to happen, is by memorizing it; verse by verse; word by word. Again; how desperate are you to be whole? Two things must happen for us to be able to "Sin no More": we must be filled with the Holy Spirit and with the Word of God. Don't get me wrong, I know that the Holy Spirit will bring God's Word to the forefront of our minds; I have known this since the first day that I believed. But what I am talking about, is to take God's Word in, as not only nourishment for our heart, mind and soul, but to take it in as a replacement for everything that is not of Him. Think of it like a blood transfusion, where the things that are contrary to God and holiness are being drained out, and the Word of God is being transferred in. But you might wonder why, if the old man is dead, would we have to do something like this? We have to die to Christ daily; which means 'Every Day' we must do what is necessary to put our flesh down, and to lift up the Name of Jesus. He must be exalted in our lives, and must be the most important thing for us to live for; as Paul would say, "For me to live is Christ, to die is gain". So again; How Desperate Are You To Be Whole??? When you look at the pleadings of David, he knew what he must do, yet he agonized that he had not done them 'always'. Do you have something that you are weak in? Something which seems to keep knocking you around, and causing you to be thrown off the path? This might sound simple and old fashioned; but find a Scripture that battles that sin, and memorize it; make it your sword to swipe that thing out of your way as you continue on the path of righteousness. That might sound simple enough, right? Well, it is not; because, before you can do that, you must give that thing over to the Lord!!! In other words; you have to be made whole first, and then you can sin no more; you can not do it in you own strength. But you might say, So why if I am made whole, do I need to memorize some Scriptures? What ever!!! "Blessed be Thou, O Lord: teach me Thy statutes. With my lips have I declared all the judgements of Thy mouth. I have rejoiced in the 'way' of Thy testimonies, as much as in all riches. I will meditate in Thy precepts, and have respect unto Thy ways. I will delight myself in Thy statutes: I will not forget Thy Word. " (Psalm 119:12-16)

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