Sunday, October 24, 2010

"Liberty is Abiding in Jesus Christ"

"Ye did run well: who did hinder you that ye should not obey the Truth?" (Galatians 5:7) I think we can begin to understand how it is that some brothers and sisters fall away from Grace; it is not really a matter of falling, but more like 'jumping ship'. Okay, here's the deal: Jesus is the Ship that we must Abide in, no matter how hard the oceans toss or the winds may blow, we must stay in the Ship. But, what I believe happens to some (I could be wrong), is that because sin still is present in their lives, even after giving their lives to Jesus Christ, they abandon ship; not even knowing it, in some cases. How do I mean? Think of it as the ocean being the world, and any other form or manner of staying afloat in that ocean is outside of Jesus Christ (The Ship); even a lifeboat that you may think is from the Ship. Now, we are in the Ship safely and surely, and there is nothing that can take us out of the Ship, nor harm us as long as we are in the Ship. So then, what would cause us to what to get out, and take our chances in the ocean? You think maybe, it might have something to do with loosing confidence in the Ship? Yes, No? And, what pray tell, would possibly cause us to loose confidence in the Ship? Think about it for a moment. There is confidence in the Ship when the Ship seems mightier than the strength of the waves; but as soon as there is an appearance that the waves are mightier than the Ship, then comes the desire to find another way to survive. Now, what could possibly make the Ship seem weaker than it really is? Anybody??? Could it possibly be the sin that still might be present in your life? This is where we must come to make hard choices; because there is salvation in one place and one place only, and that is the Ship (Jesus Christ). And if there is still sin present in our lives, it is not because He is weak, but because we are weak; but remember this: When we are weak He is Strong!!! Maybe if you are scared, you should go deeper into the belly of the Ship! But, what happens when we jump ship? We begin to count upon our own strength to survive; which means, that we are now counting on works, or the law, for our justification; even if we are in a lifeboat from the Ship; anything outside of the Ship is outside the Ship; period! What do I mean by lifeboat from the Ship? Well, Love would be a good example of that lifeboat. If we think that if we can just Love more, and then we could have the power to overcome sin, then we have left the Ship; because we have began to place the power to overcome sin upon our own doing, and not His. So, what happens to those that jump ship? They have fallen from Grace! There is only one place where Grace is found: In the Ship!!! "For we through the Spirit wait for the 'Hope Of Righteousness' by Faith. For in Jesus Christ neither circumcision availeth anything, nor uncircumcision; but Faith which worketh by Love. Ye did run well; who did hinder you that ye should not obey the Truth? This persuasion cometh not of Him that 'calleth' you." (Galatians 5:5-8)

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