Thursday, October 14, 2010

"A New Way Of Thinking" - 4

Have you ever came to a crossroads, and made the wrong turn? The further you go down that wrong turn, the further you get from where you are really meant to be. When we are walking in the Spirit, the Holy Spirit will help to direct our lives; He will not however make us do anything. As a matter of fact, He will yield to our wrong decisions, and will stop helping altogether the more we go down the path of not yielding to Him. And why do you think we do not yield to the Spirit? I know that you know this: 'The Flesh'! That stinking flesh that keeps rising up like some kind of zombie and wanting to be satisfied. What I am saying is that the Holy Spirit is our helper, our comforter, our counselor; the manifestation of Jesus Christ in our lives; but He will not fight the battle for us; and do you know why? Hello, is anyone out there? Do you Know why? Because, the battle has already been won by Jesus Christ!!!!!!!! As I have said before, God has given us everything that we need to be successful in 'His Ways', and when we are not, it is because we have chosen not to be; not because we lack the resources, or the tools required, nor even the wherewithal; but because we lack the will (which means willingness, for those of us in Shasta Lake). What that means, is that we do not have victory over a particular area in our life, because we are not willing to let that area be taken away; it is as simple as that. What we must do, is to make the hard choices, and to say, Lord I give you ALL! To count it as lost, gone, done, and nailed to the cross; and then we will be whole at that moment, in that moment, and for that moment. Now: "Behold, thou art made whole: Sin no more, lest a worse thing come unto thee", comes into play, and it is at this point in which we are on the path; staying on the path will require two things: The Holy Spirit and The Word of God; both of which we have; so what's the problem? God's Word must be 'pressed' into our hearts and minds; which requires an effort on our part to make it so; in other words, we must do our part to keep the old man down. Okay, let me try this: we are to be in a spiritual battle, which means that our battle is not against flesh and blood, but is against the powers of the air, and so on; but the devil has dominion over the flesh, because he has dominion over the things that are perishing, the flesh included. Now what he wants is to have dominion over our souls; which is what he can't have if we have been Born Again. So then, any time that we give life to the flesh, guess who's playground we are in? Or, rather: who's side of the battle are we on? The flesh is perishing and will not be with us in Heaven, for we will all be transformed from corruptible to incorruptible; therefore, the arena that we are to be battling in is the spiritual arena, because that is what matters; the arena of the flesh is temporal and done. So there are actually two battlefields: the spiritual battlefield and the battlefield of the flesh; now what we must know, is that the fleshly battle was defeated by the Word of God, because it had been established as so by the Father since the beginning. Therefore, it is the Word of God that has defeated the power of sin, because Jesus is the Word! So, this is why we must also be filled with the Word of God as well as with the Holy Spirit; because the Holy Spirit will enable us to win the spiritual battle, and the Word of God will keep the old man down, where he belongs! One more thing on this point: 'The Law of the Lord' as described in Psalm 1:2, which is what our "delight is in": this word 'Law' is taken from the Hebrew word 'Torah', which, besides meaning the 'Law of Moses', it also means instruction, doctrine, a regulation, direction, a precept, a statute; the law of sacrifice. Sounds almost as though there is similarity between God's Law and His Ways and the Knowledge of Him; interesting, isn't it? Guess where that takes us back to? "Simon Peter, a servant and an apostle of Jesus Christ, to them that have obtained like precious faith with us through the righteousness of God and our Saviour Jesus Christ: Grace and Peace be multiplied unto you through The Knowledge of God, and of Jesus our Lord, according as His Divine Power hath given unto us 'all things' that pertain into life and godliness, through the 'Knowledge of Him' that hath called us to Glory and Virtue." (2 Peter 1:1-3)

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