Sunday, May 31, 2020

"More Than We Know"

"Because of the savour of thy good ointments thy name is as ointment poured forth, therefore do the virgins love thee." (S.O.S. 1:3)

  To be frank, this is something that gets right down to the basics of what it means to walk in the Spirit, as opposed to those that allow themselves to walk in the flesh. Don't quite see how yet to prove what it is, at least not yet; but this much I know, the "virgins" represent those that are virgins, which basically means that they are undefiled; and, without question, are in love with His anointing!
  I can recall how it was the first couple years of my walk. If I remember right, the numbers of times that I rededicated my life seemed so numerous that I lost track. I couldn't quite figure out why I kept stumbling and failing to give in to sin; so I thought I just needed to keep going forward when an alter call was offered; as if there was more saving that needed to be done.
  If there is one thing that I learned, if you sin once, it isn't all that hard to sin again; and if you sin more often, it becomes harder and harder to stop! I guess the point in that, just in case you might have been wondering where that is going: You must remain a virgin!
 Fortunately for those of us that are in Christ, we have the opportunity to be revirginized! You might not think that is possible; sadly, I personally know a few people that don't. But you must know that it is amazingly true: God can wipe away every sin, which makes you clean again! Then do you know what you get to become? Yep, you got it: You become a virgin again; which means you can walk in the Spirit and disregard the flesh, not giving into your fleshly desires because you have been made clean and fresh.
  It is really not that easy, but then again, it really is! We don't know how easy it is because we won't give it the chance. That was the point God was making to Cain: we must rule over sin, not allow sin to rule over us! Sadly, it is easier to give in then it is to fight; so we end up making up something called a compromise: which is the other thing that God mentioned to Cain, that was crouching at the door! It was couching at the door because there was a door!
  We need to make sure that the door does not exist! Don't let there be a door; because a door is the way we make it the option to surrender over to our flesh. If that door is God's grace, for example, then that door needs to be moved to the other side: instead to going back, it needs to go forward; the direction that God's grace goes, to glory and righteousness...

"Therefore, since we have been made right in God's sight by faith, we have peace with God because of what Jesus Christ our Lord has done for us. Because of our faith, Christ has brought us into his place of underserved privilege where we stand, and we confidently and joyfully look forward to sharing God's glory." (Romans 5:1-2) NLT

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