Saturday, May 2, 2020

"Promises Kept!" -2

"To execute vengeance upon the heathen, and punishments upon the people;" (Psalms 149:7)

  As I was saying, He will always do that which He promises to do; something that we are not all that capable of doing, even though we might think we are strong enough. Actually, that is mostly our certain downfall, thinking that we are strong enough to do anything good and righteous. If you have any prayer of keeping a promise, especially one that you have made to God, then you had better start praying that He gives you everything you need to make it happen; because if you are going to count upon yourself and pretend you have what it takes, your in for a pretty hard letdown, to say the least. I know I shared this before, but back in the days when my wife could actually speak, I remember a time when I thought I had my marriage in a pretty good place; I even bragged about it to someone, saying that my marriage was perfect and secure. Then, out of nowhere, just before going to sleep, my wife turns to me in bed, and she said, "Do you still love me?" I don't think I slept a single minute that night; my happy life had just been shaken by an unhappy wife! If you might remember a thing that was going on in the early 90's, it was called, "Promise Keepers," and it grew some very large crowds. I was so excited to be a part of the movements, that was until it got sideways, literally! That is the thing we never must try and do, to look to others for the strength, no matter how big of a number, the strength comes from God, and in Him alone do we look for the strength to keep our promises. As much as I would to say I have learned all my lessons, it would be foolish to even think that were so. As soon as you catch yourself even thinking about having what it takes, your pride is going to knock you down and you are going to be in for a very hard fall. I heard a message yesterday that may or may not have anything to do with this, but I guess it depends upon what you might think you are strongest in. The pastor was challenging his listeners to picture Jesus and what He was doing, as He went into the Temple and sat across from the place to watch everyone that came and brought in their offerings. You can only imagine my curiosity, as I tried to imagine where this lesson was going. If there is one thing I might do, I pride myself in giving my tithes; maybe even a little too prideful, if you get what I mean. Imagine what this might feel like, as you are unknowingly being observed by the Giver of Life; as He watches all those who walk up and put their money into the treasury. Where do they think those monies are going? What do they think those funds represent? Who is it that they are trying to please? What does it really look like to worship God, at all cost? I can only imagine so much, and then I start looking at the practical side; or should I say, direction...

"And he looked up, and saw the rich men casting their gifts into the treasury. And he saw also a certain poor widow casting in thither two mites. And he said, "Of a truth I say unto you, that this poor widow hath cast in more than they all: for all these have of their abundance cast in unto the offerings of God: but she of her penury hath cast in all the living that she had."" (Luke 21:1-4)

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