Monday, May 18, 2020

"The Intro"

  As I start this part of my journey, I am opening with the facts. Fact one: I have never studied the book, "The Song Of Solomon," at least not for any sort of deeper meaning or inspiration. Fact two: I am nowhere close to being any sort of Bible scholar; which I will use as my excuse for my mistakes! Fact three: I am a Born Again, Bible Believing, Holy Spirit Filled, Son of The KING; so I know that God will be speaking into my heart and mind through every bit of this experience. That said, we can begin to explore couple of things before this journey begins.  
  First things first: there are so many different arenas to step into; each and every one of them have their own rules and terms of engagement. This can be looked at from so many different directions: that of a love between husband and wife, between God and Israel, between the church and Christ; it can even be the kind of love that is complicated and over-shadowed by power, passion, and deceit; the later being one of great imagination and creativity.
  As I was thinking about what might relate best to this from any sort of movie, the one that came to mind was the movie, "AMADEUS," which came out in 1984, and was the tail of another composer that wishes he could be as good as Mozart, so that he could praise the Lord through composing. We see a somewhat similar resemblance between Solomon and the character of Mozart, the one that his wife refers to as, "Wolfie." If you are familiar with the movie, the jealous composer is over come by rage, as he cannot come to terms with how God could bless such a foolish man, as Mozart, with such unbelievable and beautiful music; and to make matters worse and even harder to comprehend, he is able to make his compositions come to life as quick as he can write them down.
 Anywho; I am really looking forward to where this might take me; as well as anyone else that might be willing to tag alone. On that note: I feel as though I should share something from Matthew Henry's opening introduction: "When we apply ourselves to the study of this book we must not only, with Moses and Joshua, put off our shoes from off our foot, and even forget that we have bodies, because the place where we stand is holy ground, but we must, with John, come up hither, must spread our wings, take noble flight, and soar upwards, till by faith and holy love we enter into the holiest, for this is no other than the house of God and is the gate of heaven." WORD...

"All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: that the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works." (2 Timothy 3:16-17)

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