Friday, May 22, 2020


"The song of songs, which is Solomon's" (S.O.S. 1:1)

  Regardless what you might think, the best bit of advice we can have regarding this Book, is standing right before us in this opening verse: This is the Best of Songs, and it is Solomon's song! If you are like me, you will understand how disappointed it has been to interpret a certain song that you love, seeing it as something you felt touched you in a certain way, and then hearing the Artist describe what it meant and why they wrote it, and your world just falls apart. Well, don't worry about anything like that happening, because this work of art is meant for so much more than what the Artist created it for; and he knew it!
  How could any man have a 1,000 wives, (700 wives and 300 concubines,) and not have several different lives going on in his head! Let alone, what might be going on in his heart! Just so you know, it is said that Solomon composed 1,005 songs; but this is the greatest of all, and then some; which then makes us consider when he might have written this famous piece of work.
  Matthew Henry rules out that this song was not written while he was in process of the marriage to Pharaoh's daughter; since the tower of Lebanon mentioned in this song had not yet been built. Many believe it might have been after he had come to his senses, near the end of his life, or when he recovered from backsliding; kind of a proof that he had repented and was trying to right a wrong he had committed.
  As previously stated, the song is Solomon's, so we imagine that wisdom was used in putting it together; but more than just that, because it is within the BOOK OF BOOK'S, it's real Author is GOD! So, if you are going to start looking at where any meaning might come from or where it might lead, you had better consider that it is all about JESUS, the Author and Finisher of our faith...

""Search the Scriptures: for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me."" (John 5:39)

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