Wednesday, April 1, 2020

"No Doubt About It!" -Too

"He casteth forth the ice like morsels: who can stand before his cold?" (Psalms 147:17)

  Hope is not just looking for something to happen, it is living your life based upon something you know in your heart is for sure! No matter what, none of this matters; God is on His throne and is ultimately the one that is in charge! I really hope that you believe that, my dear brothers and sisters. The is more to the little bits of God's Word then we could ever realize or understand. Not to get all weird on you, but sometimes just a word is enough to change somebody's life, forever. That is what I believe this word, "morsels," is actually representing within the context; because it's really not about what any particular word might mean: it is about it means to you and me in the moment that God flashes it upon our hearts. Which is exactly what Isaiah was saying within the, "line upon line; here a little, and there a little," line of thinking; because God's Word is alive! And precisely that reason, makes His Word come alive in the reader; like any encounter with anyone, the encounter moves on and the moment always changes; it is new with every new encounter! But the most amazing thing about this encounter, is that God never changes; it is we that change, moment by moment, with every new thought or experience, we change; so let us change for God! Anywho; I don't want to get carried away, but it is a lot like when Jesus said, "If you have faith as a grain of mustard seed," because it is really about how big our faith is, it is about how Big our God is, Who we put our faith in. Which brings me to this second part of the verse: "who can stand before His cold?" No big mystery on the word, "cold," because it means cold; the mystery is in the word, "stand," which means a whole lot of different ways and things; all of which represent any and every way that anyone could feel confident or secure in anything else but in God! You do know that Job is believed to be the oldest Book of the Bible, right? You have really got to wonder why God puts certain things in certain places; here a little, and there a little! Precisely why we need to read our Bible precept upon precept; line upon line: because God speaks to us between the lines; through every little letter, or pause, or syllable, there is a chance for encounter, because His Word is alive...

""Hath the rain a father? or who hath begotten the drops of dew? Out of whose womb came the ice? and the hoary frost of heaven, who hath gathered it? The waters are hid as with a stone, and the face of the deep is frozen."" (Job 38:28-30)

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