Friday, April 10, 2020

"Open Doors"

"Praise him, ye heavens of heavens, and ye waters that be above the heavens." (Psalms 148:4)

  I couldn't help but think about my marriage, and how it was I was determined to have an alter call during the wedding ceremony. I was inspired by a book that I read after I had became a Christian, by Brother Andrews, called, God's Smuggler. What this might have to do with anything, I really don't quite know; but I don't really ask too many questions why anymore; I just hold on and enjoy the ride! It might have something to do with the windows of heaven; or in the case of what God is speaking into my heart, the doors of heaven; meaning the doors that God opens and closes! The greatest lesson in this is found in the Book of Acts; two such instances, one that released someone from jail, the other one, that released the jail from prison. We sometimes have no clue what God is doing or why it is that He allows us to go through certain trails; but that is not our concern; even though we try to make it our's to know! Our number one concern is to obey what God says, simply by doing what He says to do; we make it hard to do that, when we start trying to figure it out and trying to find a way that makes sense to get it done. Sometimes it just doesn't make sense! I remember hearing something that someone said, I think I shared it before: "If we can do it ourself, God won't do it; but if we cannot do it, God gets it done!" Or something to that affect. One of the things that Brother Andrew shares in his book, was how they did church in some of the areas where it was forbidden; that they had plenty of funerals and marriages; sometimes, multiple times for the same persons. So when I mentioned to Pastors Jeff and Jack that we wanted to have an alter call at our wedding, they both looked at each other and then question how that might work. The office door was open, and Pastor Mike and Pastor Dan were walking by, as they were coming back from lunch; so, Pastor Jeff called out to Pastor Mike, saying, "Mike come here for a minute;" then he asked me to tell Pastor Mike what I wanted to do at my wedding. I really did not say much at all in the the way of explaining, I simply said, "I won't to have an alter call at my wedding." And Pastor Mike said, "That sounds like a wonderful idea!" So, Pastor Jeff turned to my wife and I and said, "Here is the Pastor that will be marrying you both!" And immediately, Pastor Dan popped his head in the door, and said, "And I will perform the music!" Anywho, I hope you get the just of what this is meant to say; because we don't really have any control over the opening and the closing; that is totally and completely God's area of expertise! You want to know why that might be? It is because He knows who and what will come through any door that He opens; and He knows what doors to shut to keep them out. We don't even know where the door is, let alone which door needs to be opened or shut! Not to change the subject, but the "water' spoken of above, it also means piss. Don't ask me what that has to do with anything, because I have no idea. But one thing I know for sure: If it looks like things are going to get messy, it is because God's cleaning it up...

"And God said, Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters. And God made the firmament, and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters that were above the firmament: and it was so. And God called the firmament Heaven. And the evening and the morning were the second day." (Genesis 1:6-8)

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