Wednesday, April 8, 2020

"Host of Most"

"Praise ye him, all his angels: praise ye him, all his hosts." (Psalms 148:2)

  Not to be controversial, or even pragmatic; but when did the church become nonessential? Just kind of wondering how that came about, because last time I checked, we were a Christian Nation that was founded upon a belief in God; or has that somehow changed over the last 12 years? Anywho! Who are these, "His hosts," and why should we care? It is interesting that the psalmist issues this command, because it is hardly even something that is necessary: the angels in heaven are always praising God! The actual word, 'mal'ak,' is word that speaks of messenger or representative; and the last time I checked, that would include any and all of His saints, as well as all those that exist in the unseen world. I have got to be straight and honest about what we are witnessing: the current time is a time when the saints throughout the world are celebrating the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ; and for the very first time, that celebration is being altered and banned from happening within our churches. Don't get me wrong, I really kinda like the steaming live service; but the celebration part of it seems a little off. It started with limiting groups to 250, then it went to 50, then 10; what is it now? I don't even know! Personally, I want to open up my home for some sort of gathering. I have the perfect living room to host at least 10 people comfortably and spaced at least 6ft apart. Heck, I even have 3 Rabbit-Air filters in my living room, to help and purify the air. I heard something yesterday on the news that surely did not make any sense, that there was talk among some, of trying to say that the churches should stop doing Live-Streams or broadcasting services. Does anyone else out there have spiritual antennas? Because mine went up immediately! No, I am sorry; but there is a smell of someone else at work here; can't you smell that smell! I like what Matthew Henry says, as he tries to explain why this request is even necessary, at all: "But what is meant by the psalmist's calling upon them, and exciting them to praise God, is not so easy to account for. I will not say, They do not heed it, because we find that to the principalities and powers is known by the church the manifold wisdom of God (Eph. 3:10); but I will say, They do not need it, for they are continually praising God and there is no deficiency at all in their performance; and therefore when, in singing this psalm, we call upon the angels to praise God (as we did, Ps. 103:20), we mean that we desire God may be praised by the ablest hands and in the best manner, -that we are pleased to think he is so, -that we have a spiritual communion with those that dwell in his house above and are still praising him, -and that we have come by faith, and hope, and holy love, to the innumerable company of angels, Heb. 12:22." So, as you might see, all of us and all of them, we all get to Praise Him together...

"Bless the LORD, ye his angels, that excel in strength, that do his commandments, harkening unto the voice of his word. Bless ye the LORD, all ye his hosts; ye ministers of his, that do his pleasure. Bless the LORD, all his works in all places of his dominion: bless the LORD, O my soul." (Psalms 103:20-22)

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