Monday, April 6, 2020

"Praise the Lord!"


  Be that as it may, is also our response to anything and everything that might appear to be tragic or devastating in our lives, regardless what it is, we praise the Lord! Matthew Henry ends his commentary of Psalms 147, saying, "Lord, how is it that thou wilt manifest thyself to us, and not to the world! Even so, Father, because it seemed good in thy eyes." As we come to this Psalm, it is easy to see that there is praise expected from everything and anything; rocks included! Not to change the subject, but I hope you saw the connection I was trying to make between what Jesus answered that command of the Pharisees with, and His proclamation to the city of Jerusalem. Let's just say the connection had to do with the title: Appointed Decisions. If you are looking for a reason that God might allow something as widespread and catastrophic as this virus to take place, the list is long and reasons are numerous, too numerous to even number. I witnessed something a few months back, it took place in the People's House of Virginia; as they passed a bill that allowed the doctors to kill a baby that might have been delivered at full term, they were all dancing around rejoicing, as if they all had just won the lottery. That might not seem reason enough, but it is just the thought of how much joy was displayed; spontaneous joy, if you catch my drift. On average, there are 125 babies aborted every single hour, in this country alone; The Land of the Free and the Brave; or so they say! That alone is reason enough, if it was just happening here. But that is just my opinion: Be that as it may! Because I know a lot of people will not agree. It can't just be about money; although, I am sure it is for some. It is something that is sinister and spiritual; something that is very closely related to the pagan rituals performed years ago. Who in the world sanctified human life? Ya, I thought so, nobody here on this earth did it, because it was sanctified by God! He created us, and He sanctified the life that He has given us! As we shall see, going though the verses that He has written, there is nothing that is not obligated to praise Him; every single thing in all existence was made by Him! Oh, and in case you did not know this, the Him is none other than Jesus Christ...

"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made." (John 1:1-3)

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