Tuesday, March 31, 2020

"No Doubt About It!"

"He casteth forth his ice like morsels: who can stand before his cold?" (Psalms 147:17)

  This is really not something that everyone will appreciate, but the Lord might have a bigger hand on what is going on than we might have ever guessed. The first Sunday, I was not able to connect to the LiveSteam, so I just gave up and did my own little devotion; but this last Sunday I was, and the time in fellowship was amazing! Just knowing that there were others all around view and singing, and that this same Holy Spirit that was working in me, was working in them; there was just no other way to describe how personal and intimate that service felt. Marianne was in bed, but she could hear what was going on; and usually she stays awake for the worship and falls asleep for the message; but when I turned around to check on her, she was wide awake. The Lord has a way of taking care of His church; one way or another, He gets to have everything work out for the Good! I heard a message from Pastor Mike Fabarez awhile back, where he spoke about our Heavenly Father as a disciplining, but loving God; how He has just such long patience with us, but that He can only tolerate so much: and then He gets up off the couch! I don't know whether you know this or not, but you had better believe it: the Lord is going to do everything in His power to protect His Church! Whatever happens, happens to bring glory to His Name; even if it might appear to be tragic and insane! I have watch and seen so much going on with different churches; many different religions becoming more and more one with the world; knowing full well that there was only so much that God could take. I have to be perfectly honest, because I do it in my own life also; as I catch myself in my sinful binge, knowing full well that He is watching me, and that there is only so much that He will take, and then He is going to get up off of that couch! The first part of this verse is something that reminds me of a discovery; and it really is very important that we all somehow make discoveries in God's Word; something that makes us want to dig for more and more, looking for new and amazing discoveries! This one is about the discovery of the snowflake; which was able to first be photographed in it's magnified state, just before the beginning of World War One. There were quite a few tragedies which took place in those days; but none so tragic as goes on today! But somehow we don't care or think too much about the little things; those things are destroyed before they have a chance to show off their brilliance...

""Hast thou entered into the treasures of the snow? or hast thou seen the treasures of the hail, which I have reserved against the time of trouble, against the day of battle and war?"" (Job 38:22-23)    

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