Sunday, March 1, 2020

"Reviving Life"

"While I live will I praise the LORD: I will sing praises unto my God while I have any being." (Psalms 146:2)

  Some might say the glass is half full, expecting that there is more to be added; while others might say the glass is half empty, expecting what is left to soon be gone. I see that there are about 60 verses left, which means I should be done with Psalms before my birthday in May; providing the Lord keeps me here long enough to finish. I am having a little apprehension or second thoughts about what comes next; my plan was to move ahead to The Song of Solomon, which is something I have wanted to experience every since Pastor Bill taught through it back in the 90's. There was a point during the teaching where he said, "I don't know what that means," regarding verse 1:16, where is says, "also our bed is green." I was so surprised by that, I needed to confront him after the service and ask if he was just saying that to get us thinking, or did he really mean that he did not understand what it meant; because there is really nothing else it can mean, but new and exciting! It is considered that these last five Psalms are written by David; most likely, if they were, they were written towards the end of his life. The closer we get to the grave, the closer the grave gets! Actually, it just so happens that I was going to try and get out to the grave site today and take some pictures. I was going to give a few to the guys working of the video for Easter Sunday, and thought the marker for Marianne and me might make a pretty interesting statement of our life. We have our son's marker to the north of ours, and his picture shows him looking over his shoulder towards us. Marianne's plot is next to his, and mine is on the south of her's; 776, 777, and 779, those our the numbers of the plots. Tim, the superintendent took me out to look for the site, and I could not see anything that seemed special; so I asked to look at the plot diagram that he had in his hands; saying, "It looks like this is going to be a numbers thing," and I picked the square that said, "77," which happened to be empty. According to Tim, each of the squares has ten plots, so we get first choice at the remaining seven, if we so choose. With that, our marker is shown with our wedding picture, the one that is attached to my profile in this blog; and below the picture it says, "Forever One." Our born dates are inscribed below our names, and then there is the dash. If you are looking for the meaning to what David is trying to say, "while I have any being," it is pretty much talking about that dash...

"My mouth shall shew forth thy righteousness and thy salvation all the day; for I know not the numbers thereof." (Psalms 71:15)

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